So, did you see how much space you have on your drive? :D (give me a sec, you are going to need some files aswell)
lol So do you want to try your hands with incryption or go to something you will get some use out of? Then agian, I guess you can use both...
I am going to have to walk you throught the setup, so tell me when its on your desktop (I suggest you save it to your Desktop for easy access) :D
lol No, the first one. It says PCSX2 0.9.8 Installer in the lower right corner it says "DOWNLOAD [12MB]" Click the word download and download...
Remember, what I taught Sora's Apprentice? Now we talk like this? ?Ahoolunv#vl#hpdq#|P Thats the encryption. I was going to teach you that,...
lol I pointed out that you are not computer smart. You are street smart and people smart. After that, I pointed out my smartness. I pointed out...
Then you are good lol. I will help you with the setup :D Soanywho, clicky up the link below and select the windows download. (the first one)...
lol fair enough. You are street and people smart, I am book, computer, and people smart lol. So I am considered 2/3 anti social specialist XD the...
yes, it is all free, thanks to the wonderful folks down at Wjat system do you run? XP, windows 7, do you run mac, specify so I can give...
lol You are not stupid XD You are prabably smarter than me.
I played a video game on my computer and I looked at stuff! :3
lol Indeed I did. I played kingdom hearts 2 final mix, did some hacking, thinking about making a computer worm, mods, techy stuff, and video game...
lol fair enough I suppose. Anything awesome happen since our last conversation? :D
I am pretty decent. I finished some standerdised testing today. "fun" XD Why are you just okay? Why not good? Why not epic? Why not... me? XD lol
lol Lets see video proof of you do better. XD How are you? :D
lol dont worry, you are in good company XD I use something called an emulator. It makes a computer (or anything else really) do things it...
lol I was level 16 XD You saw how much of his life I took! XD I say its pretty impressive! XD And it aint a book, its a dictionary. A dictionary...
You can also patch the game and play it in english, but thats another topic lol.
Well, actually you can :D Its relitively easy. All you need is a computer and storage space. The program takes up verly little space. The thing...