Jeez, haven't any of you guys gotten bored with this yet?
Been there, done it.
Wow, gameplay is weird without music.
Vote now! 8D
Innovative, and fresh.
...RACISM. c
**** yeah Seaking.(Yay Optimism)
"YOU'RE" OR DIE. c's pretty tied.
Dude, you're on your own. Find a sharp stick?
...wait, what?
Alright, well then. Time for the flood.
You're much more skilled at drawing creatures then you are at drawing humans. The Hippo drawing for instance, actually has tints of realism to it, the shape and proportion of it are dead-on. Bends and lines in all the right places, same with the Spyros and the Cloverfield Monster. But your Humans fingers need work. Bodies are in proper proportion, and they don't look nearly as realistic, the figures all seem to be messed up in some sort of way. And they all have the same face... All I can say is practice drawing human anatomy and figures more often, they need work.
"Hello, this is Pizza Hut, can we help you?" "Cheese, ****ers.*click*" "...*sigh*...Trace the call. Bring Cheese."
Hell. Yes. Look it up on google, you'll find a few porn sites.
Sadly laziness is full of contradictions. It takes more effort to get a Masterball then it does to weaken an Absol.(Seriously just shove a cucumber in her face and she passes out)
On an Absol? Psht. Noob.