14786 ^ lol!
I was 6 when i knew it....stupid perverted children...
Really!? yay!
Wow, i can see japanese characters, the worse thing is, i can't understand any! how do you put japanese characters anyways?
14782 http://www.deathnote.tv/36-New-Death-Note-Opening.html new death note intro
14772 you can say that again..*echoes*
14770 Show It!!
And accusing that i bumped them cuz you deleted your post
14767 *blinks* Benribenri banzai benribenri banzai Benribenri banzai ningen
Aa Mirai-kun *bows*
oh sorry StupidAquarius! okay, let's stop posting and let this thread die
14764 Right guess on DN, wrong song
I didn't bump this thread, what StupidAquarius said, he deleted the post
Oh kay so it's Mirai-kun, Sorax-kun?
10,000,000 dollars and a yoyo!
Bet you ummmmm.....25 cents
kun and chan are the same right?
:( i'm a lousy comedian anyways, looks like i'll just settle for being a door to door businessman then
ahhhh fo sho rly!