Thats called stalking.......
I think you pwn quite hard Foxxie =3. I always thought you were cool ^_^
Noobs suffer from a disease know as '******ation'. Unforunately, its almost incurable.
That picture is pwnsome. Did you ride that rainbow? =3
The list needs to be updated to have kitty in the first 50 slots.
O R A N G E is too hot for this forum o:
This story totally rocks Yukai xD. I loved the 'The overly-caffeinated teen dug through the mounds of foam and sealed air' part x3. I cant wait to read more =D
But Yaoi puts the sunshine in my day D:
Dont you always do that? o:
This...... Is................... BACOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!
We were supposed to marry my fluffy little kitty D:
Me thinks Kay needs to marry me 8D
She's got an extremely good point xD
Congrats. You have the least life of anyone here xD
Too late for that xD
Those silly spiders, always trying to be as you as you CtR =3
Do I smell bacon?
I blame you for being too pretty xD
I should be playing that today ;~; Oh well. Awesome update though. I need to think of some pwnage taunts.
I have 2. Go me =D