Lets bump it up a notch and call it.......Dish =3
Ah, that was always a problem. Alright then, babies it is. What shall be the name?
I tried to tell her, but she just hits me ;~;
Awww, you dont like painting my nails no more? D'=
It's a drunken HB =3
That reminds me of Maho from Beck xD
wow, and all I got was a pen when I finished high school xD
Crono unleashes his Blastizardsaur on Kitty. Kitty uses Charm. Crono gets maimed by his own pokeman.
Hello. I am a being new here. help.me.4.evr.plz?
I saw gay Link and came running. What's up?
Hi Madi's sister 8D Just kill madi and act like her, then you'll be popular in no time. Or drunk. Which ever comes first.
And thats why you pwn so much. *huggles*
Bad madi D: What would Grey think? >w<
I told you HB. Now give it another day and watch what happens. My predictions never go wrong >D
Fine fine, I wont ruin it. Lets see if anyone gets this =3
*giggles and adds more walls*
Fixed, because common knowledge should at least be truthful =3
I hope you win it. That money will come in handy ^_^
Old news.
Dont worry, im not leaving this second. I'd give it about Febraury at the latest ^_^