You sadden me. I cant believe you dont already know |:
I wanna whore for attention too 8D
God, I hate you so much HB >:
Stealer pants D: Nah, love you asian girl xD
I would like an oatmeal raisin one ^_^
HB is so damn stupid |:
I master paint.
>_> <_< *huggles* 8D
Pfft, you werent busy, you could've read it D<
Yush, Sam too. But I have Rosey and Kay's souls so they dont count >D
I forgot to add Kitty to that exception list. She pwns =3
I blame you for my bloody nose ._.
xD;; I wouldnt be a mod for KHV lol. EVER D< I find most of the staff to be annoyingly ghey/imcompetent ******s so.......yeah >w> Except you Mish. Go England 8D
1 down, 999 other threads with all your shenanigans =3
xD. He's pwning already. He got it from his momma 8D
Btw, how's that lovely bundle of joy that I didnt make? Crawling yet? =3
Dammit HB, can you leave my babymaker alone? I cant do those things myself D: ............or can I? *self-rapage*
I guess you could always eat meat o:
*is enjoying the frosting party*