I hate drive thrus.
Yo, welcome. I sure you will get along with everyone. But post lots and remember the rules. Have fun, see you around.
Yep, that it did.
Then it wouldn't be a KH game. I would just be another final fantasy type of game.
No, not anymore. I used to a lot when I was younger. But now it is pretty simple for me. Plus I found that if I look at the keyboard I'm more likely to make mistakes.
Locked up....is it "slammer locked up" or am I off.
Eh, right now the norm for me. What about you?
Yo, homslice.
Just work on the shading and clean up the stray marks. But overall it is a nice peice of work.
Yes, they're breed to be the size of a puppy for their whole lives.
It must be nice living in sweet nativatie.
Blunt.....eh...is borderline something else to me. A minature husky.
I have a dog.
Okay *shrug* Just kinda lonely.
Jack Skellington and the Beast are my favorite allies to fight with.
Yeah....been up for a while.
Hello burnitup.
*YAWN* Hello someone.
Yo, nice nickname Akarui. Just remember the rules and have a great time.
Yo, welcome to the forums. Just remember the rules, post a lot, and have a great time. Welcome again.