Ahhh, darn hoaxs...but then again I do love a nice cover up xD.
Squant??? What type of color is it?
You don't want to know....but I'm not playing anymore.
Don't say that.....I don't want to play this game anymore.
Geez, why do I even bother to help anymore.
Dude, come on cheer up.
Man, I love chocolate chip cookies.....but yet I can't stand chocolate.....interesting.
Eh, don't do that...I just thought you should know...it is okay.
That is a hyprocitical statemet.
Darn this cruel world.
Geez, I can't find the one about the ninjas and plans.
LOL xD, that was pretty good as well.
Yeah, you do seem to find funny vids.
LOL xD, that is soo true. That is like a gun without bullets.
Oh, share please.
Cause at the end to CoM Namine gives you the chose of reclaiming your lost memories or keeping the ones in CoM. Sora chose the first path. So she relinked his old memories back and threw out the "new" memories.
I believe you can't see their post and you can't recieve PMs from them.
It is an old board game......it really sucks.
Yep wait.....and play Yahtzee.
Yeah....but hey what can we do....