I think they're a nice addition to the combat system. It was refreshing cause the bosses in KH were just annoying to beat and you really didn't get much help. So I like that in a pinch the reaction commands were there to help the player out.
Eh, nothing much. How are you feeling?
Yo, welcome. Follow the rules and have fun.
Hello Kikame.
Hello, someone.
Cause Kermit likes his pork hot and spicey.
My favorite is Beauty and the Beast. Okay.. Why did Miss Piggey but hot sauce on herself?
I love that movie.
Yeah, shed a few tears and try to move on.
Wow, I'm suprised I'm on it lol xD.
Good, I'm glad you will make it. But if you want to talk about it to someone...I'm here.
Don't worry about it. It happened when I was young. But I'm worried about you.
I have seen a friend and a family memeber die before me.
.......................... Yeah...I have.....
Okay, fair enough.
Well, I can do my best to try to help if you want.
Oh, horrible...I'm sorry to hear that.
Lo seinto... I meant was how are you doing.
Como estas chica?