*Yawn* Man my head is starting to act up again.
That is okay....I don't think many people trust others....I just think it gives false hope to yourself.
I'm actually at a lose for words........but I don't think I would want to say no to you xD.
<.< >.> No, I would never say no to you.
LOL xD, something says that I have to agree with you.
Yeah it is weird how the annoyingly simple sayings in life are the ones that make the most sense.
It is suprisingly one of the easier languages to learn.......now Russian on the other hand is a pain in the ***.
Yeah, wer gedacht haben würde. LOL xD.
Gee, you confidence in me is amazing. Thanks.
I just believe he was a servant of Ansem's heartless. But I think that Riku's heart fell into darkness but not turn him into a heartless. So I don't believe that Riku has a Nobody like Sora did....but that is what I think.
*Sigh* I guess you are right. I still have a long way to go.
Torn Page 1: Traverse Town: Rescue 51 Dalmatians Torn Page 2: Agrabah: Dark Chamber in the Cave of Wonders Torn Page 3: Monstro: Chamber 6 Torn Page 4: Halloweentown: The bookcase in the Doctor's Lab Torn Page 5: Atlantica: Ariel's Grotto I hope this helps.
Nani.......crap....I thought I knew that word.
;o; I'm not pathetic.
VERY little....but I'm learning lol xD.
Konnichiwa Zakura.
I just want to know what is the deal with the Akatsuki Leader's eyes. It seems that everyones eyes do something in Naruto.
Hello kevz2kool
Yeah, for now lol xD.
I'm better now.