I thought the price was a bit steep. Cause if I'm going to be paying for that then I should at least get some more songs.
Yay, dude that is good to hear :)
How about you?
Eh, bad this morning. But I'm doing much better now.
Geez, I guess I won't get bored with the same few cars for a while.
I think that song would be torture enough for me.
Konnichiwa everyone.
The only ones that I can remember off hand are the Xemnas battle. The two new keyblades. Also you get to see Sephiroth and Cloud fight at Olympus Collisum.
Yo, welcome. Have fun and remember the rules.
Hola, welcome to the forums. Rmember the rules, post lots, and have fun here.
Cute pic. Maybe just shade it a little more. But overall nice pic and keep it up.
I only used the cure magic. But other than that I was mostly hack and slash.
Welcome. Remember the rules and post a lot. Welcome again.
LOL well we all make mistakes......even you.....I just didn't call you out. But yeah that was pretty random of the Andrew. edit:I'm feeling tired so I'm going to call it a night.
Eh, we all have some sort of embrassing habit.
So you pick at your lip.
That is still biting your lip though.....<.<
Good going.......wait I bit my lip too.
Yeah, I think I'll take a day or two off work.