Wow, now Xaldin sleep walks.
I think for now they are going to remain pretty tight lipped out it. After all Nomura is still working on FF vs. XIII. So I won't try to expect anything until the TGS.
Yeah, pretty much what we have already been hearing. But the article did clear a couple of things for me. I just want to know if they are going to say anything at this years Tokyo Game Show.
Well you came to the right place if you love KH. Just follow the rules and have a great time.
I want some cheese and crackers. edit:I'll be back soon.
Well I would think that would apply to any sport.
Wow, that is a lot of water.
Hot damn, that is hot...I hope you stayed hydrated for the day.l
Peace out dude. Ummmm.....I'm....going to is hot out???
LOL xD, yeah techacally is is Al's fault. Cause Ed has to support the nutrition for the both of them.
Yeah, the are pretty nice to have sometimes.
Yeah, it is kinda neat.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure his eyes are green.
No, not really. Just messing with this new laptop.
You should probably check out some of the sigs shops in the Arts and Graphics section. There should be a lot of shops that will help you out.
Wow, I guess three was just too that was one way to go out in...death wise.
LOL xD, that must have been a sight to see.
LOL xD, see you happy has put me in a even better mood.
LOL well that is still good. One less to worry about right?
The slammer isn't as bad a people make it out to be.... But what did you brother do?