I like peanut butter, I love rice, just don't like 'em together. :xp: So you say....okay, see you later.
Still....blech. :xp: Let me clarify: Early health problems=20 to 30=could be you!
Yeah, that's why I don't make those promises: Can never keep them, especially since I reeaaaally need to update VoD. Know that story, all too...
At the same time?! You're gross! I seriously don't get why don't eat meat. If that's all you eat, you're going to develop serious malnutrition...
??? Aren't you a vegetarian? What do you eat?
Did you have a good break? We missed you, amongst the forum, one among us, especially ;).
They have that XD. As well as broccoli, green beans, assorted vegies, all in different sauces. Seriously, I'm not a vegie fan, and I loves it. XDD
Not one here, and besides, I'm kind of in a hurry; if I had enough time, I'd go to this awesome Chinese restaraunt on the strip. You'd like it;...
Probably the caffeteria; quickest place to eat. Still: :eek: *cue 'psycho' music*
*points at DF in wonder* HE LIIIIIVVVESSSSSS! Lol, loved the chapter, especially the 'Merlin's pants' part (been reading Harry Potter lately?), and my curiosity has piqued a little bit. Keep it up.
Maybe you should go take a nap? It'll do you some good, and we'd be able to joke more.
*tilts head* Say wha? Are you being serious or are you pulling my leg?
Ah, I see...I get it now.
Hi....again, have we met?
Well, I'm assuming you're talking about something specific?
What's wrong?
Been a while since I've seen an Indian music video...what's it from?
Impressions? Not first impression of me, but can you do impressions? Favorite color? Favorite quote? *braces for impact* Favorite cereal? More to come...