Yeppers. Okay, I'm cool. Why do you like them so much?
Yup. HEEHEE! so...why vampires?
Originally, it was me not giving up hope on you; you kept trying to disuade me, but I kept replying with 'nope. nope. nopenopenope' I WIN!...
Yup, there you go. Well, I'd like us to have a couple of more contestants to start, particularly a few heroes, and at least one other 'announcer'. I didn't specify early, but you can have more characters to control, I'll say up to...let's go with 4. I'll put that into the list.
YUP. :glomp::glomp::glomp::glomp::glomp::glomp:: glomp: :glomp: :glomp: :glomp:
Yous backies! *takes deep breath* :glomp::glomp::glomp::glomp:
Luxord it is! Our next contestant's name is submitted!
First I've heard about it; I don't really use the forms, anyway, unless it's to get the bonus jump, dash, air spin, and glide abilities.
I take it you're an Acid Ace fan? Or are you more of the 'Dread Joker' person?
Bummerz...okay. I'll try and be here. *sighs* I cannae type that much, lassie! *rolls eyes* Figures....what's the answer to the second...
Nope. *:glomp:* You'll be answering the second one, next. What's the answer to the first question?
Love your albums; very impressive pictures of Aerith and company. XD
XD You're not gonna get me to give up, Star! *glomp of healing limit technique* XD The first, then.
I'll still reply the same: Nope...nope....nope...nopenopenopenope x (infinity) *smiles* Both.
Nope, not gonna stop. XD *helps you up* Woof! Is this from personal experience?
Yeah, like I'm gonna stop hoping. XD *pins you* WAHA! No, it does not. Not even if it was a big, hairy woman: HECK NO!
Holy crap! I didn't realize Even, Dillon, and...whatever Lexeus's other name is, were going to make an appearance as well...shweet!
Good night, kiddo. *pounces* Gotcha! *blinks* Please tell me you weren't scared by that. >_<
;) *clamps on your leg* rrrrgh! *taps foot* Allllmooooossst there!
:sly: *finds you, digs you out* BARK BARK! Working on it...