Aww.... lol, you say that now, but I guarentee, we make some of the best chocolate chip cookies, chocolate no-bake cookies, cake, etc.; you...
I'm sorry, I have to go: class. I'll be back in an hour or so. Take care, Magick.
*laughs* Well, we thrive around food; like make recipes, try and make food taste good, etc. You would be temmmmpteeeeddd. XD So are you, girly. XD
*drops head* You wouldn't survive at my house.... T^T
I'm serious, it could help you. Yeah, okay. I'll see you tomorrow.
Maybe you need medicene or something. I've got a friend who takes some, or she can hardly eat anything. -_-
You could go as his little ninja brother in training, Snake Giblets! I'm going as a redneck doctor: Surgen's outfit, black mullet, hillbilly teeth, and a blood pack.
*recoils in pain* Whaaaaaaa? Why you no like macaroni and cheesies? It's so gooood! *facepalms* I don't know why I bother...
Tis tasty. Whachoo thinkies? Why the 'B|' face?
Meh, neither am I, but still, that's cool too. Okay, talk to you later.
Ah, those were the know, they sell plenty of those at Wal-Mart. That's where I found mine: Doctor's outfit, black mullet wig, and...
*drumroll*....redneck doctor. :p
Hmm, bummers.
I'm in college. -_- hey, I'm not the only one who does this.
I'm trying on my halloween costume, making sure everything fits right. Where are you, exactly?
Hey, how's it going?
I likes it bettah wit cheeeese. X3 What?
A simple 'yes' would've sufficed. They're good that way, too. XD :D
Yup. We need at least one more announcer (in case I'm not here to announce 'whatever' categories), and we'll be ready to start.
What? Do you just have the noodles the way they are? I'm fine, honest.