Cool. What'ja watch?
Hey, what's new?
OOC: Hey. BIC: *Zack and Cloud take seats in the audience* Zack: Whoa, the King's competing? I wonder how he'll fair against...whoever he's competing against. *pops popcorn into his mouth* Cloud: .......*glares at Sephiroth*......we may have to sabatoge whatever event he competes in. Zack: *laughs* Nah, don't worry. Have faith in the others. Cloud: ......
OOC: Sorry, can you run that by me again? I don't understand the 'phil Xigbar' part. BIC: Trebek: Aaaaand, we're back! Alright, red and blue teams, today's competition is: Olympic Gladiators! The concept is simple: There are four parts to the competition, the first being the obstacle course, where one representative from each team will run through a series of authentic, Olympic training obstacles, designed by the trainer of heroes, Philatetes, himself! You will have to dodge hidded warriors, popping up from the ground in the 'Warriors Ambush', and maneuver your way through arrows passing by in the 'Passing Plains'. Once you get passed those, you must swing across the 'Pit of Tartarus', a tar pit spanning 100 ft across. Be careful, for if you get trapped, you could be stuck for hours. Finally, you must trust your feet, and your instincts, as you make a run in the '100 yards of traps', a straight line to the finish line, lined with some of the most dangerous traps there are, ranging from bear traps to pitfalls, and all sorts of nasty goodies. The one who passes the finish line is the winner. Teams, choose your representative, but be warned: The person who competes in this event, cannot compete in the next two events; only the fourth will all three players on each team be allowed to compete.
Yep. No problem.
And now, our contestants have been chosen! For now, we would like to ask our remaining contestants, the ones who aren't competing, to remain in the stands with the audience, until the next event has been called.
Eh, at this point, I'm just 'take it down, I don't care anymore'.
Drawing (experimenting with different forms), certain sports, and doing school *shudders*
Okay, mainly I like Chinese food, but at the same time, I like most things with chicken or shrimp. :3 :xp:
OOC: Or late, so maybe some of them just fell asleep. Alright, I guess I'll choose. BIC: Aannnd...times up! Okay, since it's the first competition, maybe our contestants are scared or something. Anyway, it's time to choose! For the red team, since Mickey and Pluto volunteered first, those two will be on that team, along with (drumroll please) *spot light searches around stands*...........Yuffie! And now, for the blue team, we will use our random name generator to pick our team. *presses a few buttons on machine, machine beeps, boops, and random lights flash. A list comes out* And, our blue team is......Sora! Axel! Aaaannnnd....Sephiroth!
Take your want to know some of mine? :D
Somewhat; I used to watch it, but at the same time, I don't watch much anime with gore/cursing, though I've made a few exceptions.
:p lol. Anything else? :=D:
I can honestly say, after living with them for a few years, that they are the hounds of hell.
And that makes two! Mickey and Pluto on one team, two of the classic icons! We're still waiting for more volunteers, but if no one comes, we'll be forced to randomly select...
lol, no, I mean, that's a favorite food of yours? :xp:
lol, I've got English mastiffs, and two bichon frisses.
What kind of dogs do you have?
Thank you, Pluto! Do we have any more volunteers? If no one else volunteers, we'll be forced to use the machine to randomly pull names!
lol, s'okay; I can guess that Xion dies somewhere along the way. Yup. 6 dogs, 1 cat.