Search Results

  1. Pure Beats~
  2. Pure Beats~
  3. Pure Beats~
    ...I think I'm back. ._.
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for Darkcloud, Sep 22, 2008
  4. Pure Beats~
    ...I think I'm back. ._.
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for Forever Love, Sep 22, 2008
  5. Pure Beats~
    ...I think I'm back. ._.
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for P E A N U T, Sep 22, 2008
  6. Pure Beats~
    Hi? 8D

    Are you surprised that I'm back only after a week?*coughthreedayscough*

    Did you miss me?

    Why haven't I played Okami in a while?

    Should I play it when I get the chance?

    Why am I multislacking when I really should be doing my homework/studying for my test?

    What did you think of me when we first talked and what do you think of me now?
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Sep 22, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Pure Beats~
  8. Pure Beats~
    I need your e-mail first. =D
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for ~Misa-Chan~, Sep 16, 2008
  9. Pure Beats~
  10. Pure Beats~
  11. Pure Beats~
  12. Pure Beats~
  13. Pure Beats~
    Just thought I'd post these before I leave. I took these pictures while I was on a retreat this weekend with my youth group. Please tell me what you think.

    Alive Water
    Just Around the Riverbend
    River of Life
    Reflecting Waters

    In my opinion, the last two are the best.
    Comments are appreciated. <3
    Thread by: Pure Beats~, Sep 15, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Pure Beats~
  15. Pure Beats~
    I remember that forum and those poems. Those poems of yours were beautiful.
    That's where we first talked and really got to know each other.

    Thanks, CtR. You are awesome too.

    Thanks. I'll come back soon; I promise.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  16. Pure Beats~
    I hope to come back eventually, once everything is straightened out.

    It's no problem, really. You are definitely one of closest and best friends on this site, and you were awesome at being such a good friend.

    Sure, I'll pm you. ^^

    It's all right. Life keeps us busy. ^^

    Of course. <3

    Oh, the awesome things that have happened on here. They will never, ever be forgotten.
    You, as well, were one of my closest and best friends on the site and I'll definitely try to keep in contact with you. Don't worry, once I get MSN, you will be one of the first people to know.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Sep 15, 2008 in forum: Departure Hall
  17. Pure Beats~
  18. Pure Beats~
  19. Pure Beats~
  20. Pure Beats~
    I've decided to leave the site. It's really not what it used to be, and I the only reason I come on this site is to talk to friends.

    Don't bother highlighting this, because there's no hidden text.

    Some things happened over the weekend, and I realized that I need time off from this site. If you really want to know why, you can just pm me. I'll be on for the remainder of the day.

    Shout-out to all my friends: You are all great, and I want to thank you for always being there for me when I needed help. I'll probably keep in contact in you with dA or through e-mail. So, don't worry; I'll figure out how to talk to you one way or another.

    It's been fun and I might come back someday; I just don't know when.

    See ya~
    Thread by: Pure Beats~, Sep 15, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Departure Hall