...you're very hyper tonight, aren't you? xD
O_o Eww. I'm sorry, but when you said "it smells funny" I thought of Jack Sparrow saying "You smell funny." xDD
...DON'T DIE! DD8 aswfdsdd
*throws the quarter at darkcloud* 8D
*hides quarter* <_>
I missed you too! Yay, now we can have our random convos again. xD
...I love your new avatar. 8D I use GIMP, but my school is going to teach us how to use Photoshop Elements and Photoshop CS3. I really want CS3....
You made that? It's really good. ^^
...maybe. >> Actually, I sorta kinda am. I'm copying my notes and re-reading them and stuff like that. Oh, that's cool. ^^ But if you ever need a...
Ooo, ooo, ooo! I CAN MAKE YOU ONE! 8D ...that is, if you want me to. xD
Are you multislacking? Because I am! 8D I should be studying, but I'm not, mostly because I don't want to.
Oh, okay. ^^ ...I really don't want to study. >>
Oh, you wear glasses? I didn't know that.
Same here. xDD
I hate picture day. The only time You see me and a camera together is if I'm holding the camera and I'm not in front of it. I am my youth group's...
Yay, another mutlislacker! 8D Ugh, I had a really bad cold last week, so I know how you feel. Tomorrow is picture day! DDD:
Ah, neopets! I remember that site! I was obsessed with it when I was younger. xD Sometimes I want to go back just to see what they did to the...
Brisingr- The third book in the Inheritance Cycle. I must say, it is a whole lot better than Eragon and Eldest. Vampire Knight - awesome manga is awesome. The Crucible - school assignment, but I actually like it.
Same here. I have strayed so far from his path, it's depressing. That's why I tried to leave the site, but as you see, it didn't work out so well. ._.
*pokes* Hey you do squeak! 8D Oh, and I think I'm back. ._.