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  1. Pure Beats~
    That's good to hear! ^^
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for AnimeGirl104, Sep 24, 2008
  2. Pure Beats~
  3. Pure Beats~
    Profile Post

    So, how are you?

    So, how are you?
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for AnimeGirl104, Sep 24, 2008
  4. Pure Beats~
  5. Pure Beats~
    I don't think I've posted here yet. o_o;

    Hi everyone. ^^
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Sep 24, 2008 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. Pure Beats~
  7. Pure Beats~
  8. Pure Beats~
  9. Pure Beats~
  10. Pure Beats~
  11. Pure Beats~
  12. Pure Beats~
  13. Pure Beats~
  14. Pure Beats~
    I read it the first day it came out. It was all right; but it could of been a whole lot better.

    And just so you know; there's already a topic on this. Try the search option next time.

    I have to disagree, I didn't like Breaking Dawn. It was good and all, but it's at the bottom of my list.

    As for the book covers, I always thought they were symbols.
    Twilight - the apple, the symbol of the forbidden fruit. Bella is considered the forbidden fruit to Edward Cullen.
    New Moon - the rose tainted with paint or blood or whatever it was. I was thinking this was more along the lines of Bella falling in love with Jacob; tainted by him, so to speak.
    Eclipse - the broken ribbon; Bella's heart is broken in two - one half for Edward, the other for Jacob
    Breaking Dawn - the chess pieces; I think that the white queen piece is supposed to symbolize Bella and the red pawn piece is Renesseme.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Sep 24, 2008 in forum: Literature
  15. Pure Beats~
  16. Pure Beats~
  17. Pure Beats~
  18. Pure Beats~
  19. Pure Beats~
  20. Pure Beats~