Be quiet, you. xD How are you doing?
I'm good; just posted some pics in PYPH from the retreat I went on. How are you?
Hello. 8Dhihihihihi
I posted pics in the PYPH. 8D
IT WAS AWESOME. 8D It was a retreat with my youth group.
You know I was only kidding...and YOU'RE ONLINE! 8D HI! ...yes the crazy weekend made me hyper~
I'M BACK! 8Domgleikhithardp
I just got back from camping. ^-^
I'm fantastic! 8D
...that might be true. xD
Oh, darn it! D:
xDD ...I don't want to study Spanish/Chem. D: Well, Chem is on Moday, but still I don't want to study Spanish.
Yes, yes we do. You have to admit though, it's fun. ...I'm multislacking right now as a matter of fact. xDD
Oh yes. Like today in study hall, I so could have finished my math, but I just kept on making jokes with friends while doing my homework, and...
The students would be pros in no time. ^^ Oh, okay.
HECK YES! 8D And how was it?
I'm good, how are you?
My friend did say I could be a teacher...maybe I'll teach mulitslacking. 8D Oh, okay.