(if this is in the wrong section mods/admins, you can move it...) ~*Welcome to the Roxas Fanclub!*~ After getting...several requests, I've decided to make a Roxas fanclub. PM me if you wish to join! ^_^ Owner: Roxas_is_Hot Co-owner:........ Members:
^ Sure....*does so* < Thinks that chocolate milk comes from chocolate cows V Has a chocolate piggy bank.
Roxas stumbled to Axel, wiping drool off of his mouth. "Axel, give meh mah 100 shmackers ya dimly lit candle!"
I usually watch it when I'm super bored anymore. I've really lost interest in WWE. A bunch of crap it is...
I don't watch Naruto enough to actually know how old they are...sooo....if it doesn't mention their age...how old do are they? ... I'd say around 12-14, just by looking at them. >.>
______________________________ ________..........\/............_________ _______............................________ _______............................________ ________......................___________ _________.................____________ ___________.........._____________ ____________......______________ _____________..______________ ...It's supposed to be a heart... T_T
I forgot my password on the same day too. T_T Ack.. Ello my duckie, and welcome to the forums! Post lots, don't spam, and have a cookie!
Naruto and Bleach... ^_^ Can't live without them..
...Did anyone put my name in? *raises hand* I volenteer! XD... I'm going to put my friend's name in there... T_T I'll be lucky if she dies...
^ Pretty much. T_T < Wishes she spoke german V Wants a taco or they'll explode.
"YEOOOOW!" Roxas meowed and bit Valerie's hand.
Username: Roxas_is_Hot Character: Rock Lee *XD* Sample RPG: Rock Lee sighed as he stared at the sunset from the ship, bored out of hell. Too bad there wasn't a training room on this boat...
Crap...I forgot Narnia on my list too. XD
I had gold...but lost it. I found it a month ago, and it doesn't work anymore...
T_T T_T T_T My username bores me. Maybe I should change it.. NO WAI.
XDDDDDDD Sora looks funny...OMG ROXAS IS IN IT TOOO!!!!! :D:D:D::D
I think Eragon is very well writiten, for a author of fifteen. Of course, the book was FAR better than the book, I must admit, but still! It's been my favorite series, and I can't wait for the next book coming out. Ed Speleers is a hottie. <3
You know you're a girl when....eh.... you sleep with pillows at night thinking it's a guy you like...I used to do that...
OH! I know! 4! 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 4 4 444!!!! Back on topic...
"Ha! You pasty waste! You owe me 100 shmackerooz!!!....ROCK LEE!!" Roxas tackled Sora.