Robin looked at Raven; he knew that look on her face. "Sense Slade up ahead? I'm seriously getting sick of his runaways. The coward."
Robin ducked under the dragon's wings, and backed up, giving it death glares. 'What did I do? Leave me alone!'
All I have is Naruto Ultimate Ninja somethingorother. ^_^ It's pretty kickarse.
Robin yelped as the dragon's tail whipped by his head. Thinking quickly, Robin held onto the tail instead, and was flung off by. He performed a couple of rolls before landing on the ground, and took off.
Robin threw some smoke bombs at Anti-Sora's face, trying to help him snap out of the darkness. (Cheesy T_T) Carefully, Robin approached the half darkened Sora, who lay on the floor, unconcious.
Robin clutched the spike harder as the dragon started to thrash. He let go with one hand, and made sure the petal was still unharmed in his belt.
Robin quickly jumped twords the dragon, and landed on its back. He held onto a nearby spike so he wouldn't fly off.
Dude...that's messed up. I agree with everyone else. This is seriously tragic, and just because the guy was supposed to be "having troubles with his girlfriend" doesn't mean he goes and shoots 33 innocent students for the hell of it. That guy was just was filled with a bunch of BS. They say this is the worst shooting for Universities in the U.S. Your thoughts?
T_T I wish my cell phone could do that, but no...
Berries! ^^
Robin staggared from the force of the wind, and tucked the petal in his utility belt. He covered his ears as the dragon roared again. 'What the hell is this thing?! How am I supposed to beat it?!' Robin thought frantically, trying to think of a way to escape. He quickly got out some smoke bombs, and threw them in the dragon's face. While the dragon was distracted, he ran. But even he knew you can't outrun a dragon.
"Whatever maaaaaaaaannnn...." Roxas passed out and fell onto the couch.
"Axel thinks Larxene's a sexyback! NOOO *hic* WAIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!"
My first anime was Pokemon. XD After seeing like, two episodes, I was completly obsessed. >.>
"Larxeneeeee......Axel shtole your *hic* underwear and they'rehanging on his waaalllllllll..."
;.; I don't hate you burnup. Warnings are a part of life...unfortunatly.... *gives you burnup cookies*
I have to admit, seeing Mr. Mcman bald was pretty funny...or am I thinking of the wrong show?
Weekdays: 6:00 A.M Weekends:........Around 1:00
XD Luxord as Capt'n Sparrow? That would be awesome beyond awesomeness.