Dispite the fact that I hate Gaara's guts, I like it! The background matches. ^^
For those who play an instrument...what was your favorite piece you played? We're playing this piece called Loch Lomond...it's really pretty... Here's a recording...
O.O Dude, who gave you all the luck? I had to buy 99 Ultra Balls to get that thing... >.>
I was playing Pokemon crystal, and I had a level 99 Pidgeot. I was putting it in my PC box thinger, and accidentally released it instead. Then I got mega pissed, and started the whole game over, even though I had a couple of level 80 Pokemon in my box too. Then I lost the game altogether.
............ Final episode? That just broke my heart into little pieces.... Ed's my hero...why...? *cries a river*
XDDDDDDDDDD She's making a MANGA!?!! This should be interesting...
Loch Lomond... It's a band recording. It's real relaxing.
I've been Roxas_is_Hot ever since I saw this forum back in the old days..although I'm thinking of changing it..
I think everyone's blaming humans a little too much for this...I mean, is the world being polluted by our cars and factories? Hell yeah, but the Earth is filled with a bunch of magma. Really hot magma. Did the scientists ever bother to think about the fact that the magma could be heating up and causing this? Or maybe nature's just evening itself out, since it has the habit of doing so. Personally, I think the fact that humans are causing Global Warming's a bunch of hoo-hah.
That fight was hilarious. XD I was laughing for the entire episode.
About bloody time!! T_T If it could take you any longer to get back... I missed you! *makes Lee cookies for you*
Did I mention Invader Zim on my little list? I have to agree with NRA, I hated Nick like hell when that was cancelled.
BAH. No Kairi, then... T_T
When I was 2 weeks old, I had this sickness...it starts with a P...oh well. To make a long story short, I couldn't eat anything since all the food I ate couldn't be digested, so I'd puke it all up. It came to the point where I was starving to death, and I was pretty dehydrated too. T_T It even came to the point where I was throwing up blood. If I didn't get the surgery I needed...well...
^ *throws pizza at your head* < Hates mold in bathrooms V Wishes he/she had some chicken fingers
Choji's fight cracked me up, even though I was half depressed by Lee's fight...I can't believe he lost so fast. XDD
Robin sighed, and took out his communicator. "I'm getting something to the left of us. It looks like Slade's a few hundred yards away."
Robin yelped as the dragon's tail whipped him in the back, making him fly foward. He hastily got up, and took the petal out of his belt. He held it in his hand, and waited. 'Why isn't anything happening yet...?' Robin quickly grew frustrated.
Robin grunted in annoyance as they rounded around the corner. "Did we just pass this hallway a few minutes ago?"
"Come on you guys, stop fooling around! The sooner we find Slade, the better."