XIIIBladez: Me and Axel were trying to throw used plungers at his mouth to shut him up yesterday. I accidentally shot Marluxia in the *** instead. T_T
*coughs hysterically* I'd have to say Demyx's sitar. It's pretty hawt.
Since the old Teen Titans/Avatar/Kingdom Hearts RPG died out, me and Ghanny decided to make a sequel. For those who haven't taken a peek at the old RP, it's basically a crossover between Teen Titans, Avatar, and Kingdom Hearts (of course)...everyone tries to beat the baddies, blah blah blah you get the picture. Users who took part in this RP before has the option of keeping or changing their characters. ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------ The rules apply...no god-modding, only two characters per person, keep it the usual rating...and yeah. ------------------------------------------------------------- Username: Character 1: Character 2 (optional): ------------------------------------------------------------------
(OOC:...They leave comments? Changed some words?" XIIIBladez: I can't see...is it raining outside? XIIIBladez: I'm bored
Roxas wiped the spit from his mouth and rushed over to Namine. "Sunscreen? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease???"
XIIIBladez: Dude, wtf? XIIIBladez: Someone hacked my computer!! XIIIBladez: They read my online diary! What the crap! XIIIBladez: Arg. ><'
Roxas stabbed Larxene's arm with is Oathkeeper. "LARXENE!! I NEED SUNSCREEN! I BURN LIKE A TOMATOOOO!!!!!" He screeched.
XIIIBladez has logged on XIIIBladez: Did someone hack into my computer? I have a bunch of pop-up chatrooms with people asking me innaproperate questions... (OOC: KairiXRiku: You can be Zexy, just tell me his Screen-name. ^^)
Roxas grumbled as he carefully climbed out of a nearby tree. "Where are we exactly? And why was I in a tree? Are we on an island? Are the canibals anywhere near here?.....Does anyone have any sunscreen?"
Alright. Just a few more people...
...They hacked the system?
Sounds like fun! I'll be Roxas. ^^
Holy crap dude, that's hard... I'll give it a try...
Of course! Who do you want to be?
A day without sugar is like a day without Sake to me...I can't survive without my sugar. ...Sasuke eh? Lee's better. XD
Gah. Every commericial in the history of TV needs to die. That especially goes to the ones you see half a billion times every day... Excpet for Head On commercials. They roxas my soxas.
^_^ Done. Just a few more.
Boy: Roxas Girl: ...Uuuuh... Nobody: Roxas Heartless: Fat Body World and Weapon: WTNW, and Oblivion/Oathkeeper
I guess I'll refresh it then... Roxas walked out of his bedroom and stomped to Axel's room. He pounded on the door with his head. "AXEL!! You never made me my scrambled eggs! AXEEEEEL!!!!!" He grumbled when there was no responce, and marched to the library.
Gaah!! So abusave! XD I like it. I got around 862 points. T_T