Gusy, here's the stock just blurred. My tag: Would you mind explaining how these two look similar?
You just sumbit it into the Video(User) Portal, and DeathSpank has to be the one to pick it. I'mm 99% sure.
I don't make AMV's, only judge them when I want. So, I really have no clue lol.
The clips ran a little bit long, the fading to scenes was alright, but it would've been a better video if the vid was faster paced. The scene selection was good, and the effects alothough they weren't abundant, good too. So overall, it's good/average in my eyes.
I don't know about that, but that's a good reason I guess.
I'm pretty sure he only hacked ONE code. And it was a useless one, anyway. Anyways, it's nice of you to do it, though.
Hey, Cin, that's pretty good :). I would say take thate weird absract thing out, because it doesn't really match with the rest of the tag. The lighting is good, but bright, and if that's made by brushes, then it isn't truly a manip, cause i'm pretty sure manips use all filters and blending mode changes. The left side seems a little...weird... and the overall effect it good, but I think maybe a few more small filters wouldn't hurt... like a ripple put at a low opacity sharpened and spattered slightly. The colors I like, but they seem to take away the depth in the tag, and make it flat somehow. I rather like this tag overall, but it could use some work, such as bluring, sharpening, and thingz.
I like females
Everyone needs to watch the full documentary..... It goes so much further..... link After watching the youtube one you have to watch this..... After watching it, all I said was ...."Shit. Anyways, the video was a real eye opener...... finding out Jesus, the government, and everything is a joke...... makes you kinda scared. I cant believe we're letting this happen.... it's sad.
So can just about every other organization member....
I put alot more work into this. Again, all Filters. No other tools but Filters. Filters Filters Filters. Nothing more than Filters. Filters. Sorry it's a little boring but i'm trying my hardest to get back into this style. EDIT: V3 added.
lol thanks ^_^ I will take multiple sigs though, so I want this threa dto be left open.
Read the rules and post alot! Hope to see ya around ^^
Me too....
Thanks, this is my first one in awhile.... I'll make this my main style for awhile.
My tag: Original Stock: My main goal was to make it look like a painting, and to simplify the pic. All filters.
I would like a signature using this stock. Really, I have no specs and i'm tired of my own sigs and I want a new one.
zomg wtfz my name wuz uzed.
Good vid, but I highly dislike RedSonic.
read the rules, post alot, and have fun ^_^