8657 okay, does anybody know a site that puts english into japanese?
"You cheap-*** SOB! I knew ii should have disabled Bomb-ombs!" (me plaing Super Smash Bros.) "Wait one second!" (mad on the computer) "I wish seasonal allergies were a person so i could kick his/her/it's ***!" (Self-explainitory) "*insert massive amounts of swearing here*" that's all for now.
8654 *cough* *sneeze* *Blows nose* My dose ish stubbed up
good, you? anyways, I was waiting for someone to respond, my cousins want me to play Super Smash Bros (N64 ver. although my bro calls it "Super Smosh Bros." and calls Mario, "Anthony" and calls Link, "Ian") do Ill see ya when i see ya! bye! *adds Roxllen* oh! almost forgot! 8464
8461 *curses in italian* yeah, I'm Italian too. I don't really speak it that much though... hey, you always learn the bad words first! *starts crying* *stops* I wasn't crying, i was sweating through my eyes! Doctor: maybe you should rest your eyes. If you're telling me to get off the computer then F*** you! *shoots doctor* bad man gone now. :) Also, CtR, How could i forget you? you're on my buddy list!
*twitches* 1. of course he cheats, how could he be at Lv1 with all abilities. His stats are Lv1, his abilities are not. 2. this guy is un-officially the best KH2 player ever. 3. makes me wonder if i should try some of this in the original...
I went ot an English to latin translator and found this for darkness: Darkness tenebra, tenebrae N (1st) F 1 1 F [XXXAX] darkness (pl.), obscurity; night; dark corner; ignorance; concealment; gloom; caligo, caliginis N (3rd) F 3 1 F [XXXBO] mist/fog; darkness/gloom/murkiness; moral/intellectual/mental dark; dizziness; caecitas, caecitatis N (3rd) F 3 1 F [XBXCO] blindness, darkness; mental/moral blindness, lack of discernment; diabolus, diaboli N (2nd) M 2 1 M [EEXBM] devil; The Devil, Satan, Prince of Evil/Darkness; evil one; crepusculum, crepusculi N (2nd) N 2 2 N [XXXCO] twilight, dusk; darkness (L+S); obscuritas, obscuritatis N (3rd) F 3 1 F [XXXDX] darkness, obscurity unintelligibility; * What does this mean? where is the latin word for darkness in here?
Welcome! yeah... rules rules... blah blah... just some words of advice about Coulored usernames Blue and other variants of that coulor - Mods Anything else - not a mod Make sure you PM ONLY mods if you are experiencing difficulties or reporting someone. hopefully you'll be in the "Count to 1,000,000" thread. we're all very friendly there
(lisping) well, good to know you're not alone. (snort) It really sucks, (snort) i kind of like the smell of cut grass... It is really bad this year...
you need Action Replay MAX or some kind of emulator with ARMAX built in. for PS2 you need to select "add new game" and name it Kingdom Hearts 2 then enter the master code which you can find on codejunkies.com then add one of the codes you find here or on code junkies. works the same with any other game... exept you don't call every game "kingdom hearts 2"
okay. why are we still talking about this?
8349 Cookies for everyone! ... ... ... ....... Wait... no more cookies... *sniff sniff* *teardrop* Random guy: Are you- I'm not crying! I'm sweating through my eyes! Oh i am definetly using that quote for my sig
it does... that's where i bought Super Smash Bros.
8198 Shoop Da Whoop!
!sdrawkcaB 'nipyT ammI !parc yloH
8 1 9 6 B e c a u s e . . . u m m . . . i d u n n o
Use an energy crystal, there are only 7 Oricalcum +'s in the game so You'll need to bring it down to 7.
<3Demyx<3? Haven't seen you here... E v e r y o n e_s t a r t_t a l k i n g_l i k e_t h i s_! ! ! ! ! 8 1 9 3
8190 YOU STOLE MY LINE! *shoots monitor* Dammit! I missed!
just some poll i thought up... I do and it sucks