canada...? *waves tiny flag weakly* aww screw it 10748
I have lost weight! a little game, just say gentlemen,BEHOLD before everything! It's going to get random, i know it. Gentlemen... BEHOLD! A Giant TACO!
*shudders* yeah... cute...
really? naw, i'm fooling around 10745
I'm in du canadiaida eh! no.. we don't say "eh" that much oh, and to iammyself's comment on my friend: I don't have a Girlfriend and i don't do that. then.. CtR is in the UK? 10742 dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!
10738 *Storm points Knife to whereve on earth CtR is* IMMA THREATENIN' TO START AGAIN!
I AM NOT DEFENSIVE *CtR Smiles* aww f*** 10736 It's really bad here in toronto
Fire Emblem In your pants... what the F? well that's what i'm listening to
Red ants in your pants I know it's such a ripoff of what Goimez said but... Ouch
Shut up! it is raining and i can't think of anything and remembered how people catch snowflakes so i made something similar into an "In your pants" joke! sorry, i was going to say snow 10732 It really might be your storm! are you near canada?
What did you think it wa... you have a sick mind CtR! there's a storm here now... must have came to me from wherever CtR is 10730
Sorry CtR but... It fits together Catch the rain in your pants Not you... Actual rain. If it's raining, catch it in your pants! Lightening just struck!
nothing innapropriate... just anime girls in bikinis... He's going to hate me for saying that... 10727 Ahh Lightening!! look at reason for editing
There's going to really be an Abridged movie... In America!
*laughs* call that fair?
I fed his Dark Magician to my Feind Kracken. It was like the ending to Pirates of the Carribean 2, exept it was actually satisfying! I love YGO TAS
same happened to me... My friend was dissapointed because he was looking at Anime Gir... 10723
10720 purplepurplepurelr^pprorleprpleepret I was trying to say pruple i mean purple
10717 It be raining! Seriously!
10715 It was an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini