?YLRO nwot thgiliwt.... ahh... i'm no good...
Here's one: Does Turkey have less fat than Chicken? Stupid... I know
8184 At least his hair wouldn't defy gravity anymore...
So... Flea Markets or EB is what your saying (It's EB for me, I'm Canadian) My local EB doesn't have it, I checked when i got ZoE. Maybe the Flea Market will have it. Thanks guys
8182 Post-it! Post-it! P-p-p-p-p-p-post-it! Finish him! *whack with photocopier* Speaking of photocopy, I can't get my Printer/scanner up! T_T I wanted to scan some keyblades...
I agree also.
I've seen this quite a few times, I wish to see proof but at the same time, I believe and I'm shocked... At least you guys had courage to post what happened... I don't know how to describe it... I kind of believe but don't believe...
Space Invaders! thanks Sara! You're always helping us! 10,022 on space invaders (I'm a beginner)
where can i find it? I completed ZoE and I'm itching for more. also, how much? Also, Thanks Evilman 89.
my sissie instict pwns you. (Yay! I'm official!)