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  1. Alice


    It's a rather vexing issue, because both sides are so plausible.

    Personally, being female, I feel that I should be able to abort the baby if either [a] I'm in a situation where I cannot take such a responsibility it is result from rape.

    If the baby had some sort of detectable defect, that would not be a factor in the situation.

    I'm agnostic and somewhat of a numbed person. I don't want to pitywhore, so I won't go into details. I'm not caring for others as the normal person might be, unless we're speaking in the context of a very close friend or my boyfriend....I can't honestly say that I'd feel guilty if I indirectly killed a human being without any conscience or mental capacity. Yes, it is a potential person, but it has no purpose to life yet [unless you believe in predestination, a theory abandoned centuries ago]. I know how cold that sounds. But being as realistic as I am, I can't avoid the matter that if I conceived a child at this moment I would get an abortion, regardless of the previous action I took. I've never had plans for children when I get older, especially if they came at an inconvenient time.

    And now I sound like a horrible person. But, I am a compromiser.

    On the other hand, a lot of the issue depends on the father of the child as well. What if he wants the child? This all would depend on my age though as well. Currently, I'm 15. At this age even if my boyfriend insisted on keeping a child that was soon to be, I wouldn't be able to comply. There is always the adoption choice. But to have offspring I've never known or really met floating around in the world is not comfortable for me. Especially knowing the government placements these days, the system is overwhelmed with children. I wouldn't be able to guarantee they would live in a healthy environment. The guilt for that would be even thicker than abortion. It's just horrible, "...So yeah, because I was irresponsible and careless I ended up having to lay my infant burden on someone else. Sorry."

    If I was 18+ and my partner wanted a child, assuming we were to marry, I would not deny him. There's logic, and then there's inhumanity. It's not my nature to keep things that are rightfully someone's from them. It would be his child too, so it wouldn't be just to do so.
    Post by: Alice, May 6, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Alice
    Usually I don't like tsundere couples [HaruhixKyon, SaberxShirou, KoushixMomoko etc.] but to me KairixSora is an inevadable given. There just aren't any other choices...I don't really like Roxel coupling since I've grown tired of it in yaoi and such , but also because I'm not particularly fond of Roxas. A lot of people say that Larxene is the perfect heterosexual choice for Axel, but honestly....she's just a b17h. Axel doesn't even show any appreciation to her in any of the cutscenes. Personally, I think people really only choose that since there are hardly and other remaining choices for hetero couplings with Axel. lol, Does mexAxel count?~ :3
    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  3. Alice
    I think it's pretty constricting considering the only anime in here are ones that have aired in AMERICA. Which means no Death Note. D: There are so many anime that surpass these by far, it's almost like a contest of the losers.

    Naruto is currently in the lead? Pffffffft. I apologize, but some of you have the most naive taste. <:3 ~nyoro
    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Alice
    Two words, Tentacle rape. lol, that is honestly what I was immediately reminded of after seeing the green thing that's contricting him...I have no criticism since I don't really know how to work with such clutterment~
    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Alice
    Okay, I'm going to be ciritical here and completely disagree with everyone who's already posted...I don't feel like going into great detail about the anatomy problems, but since my tablet is being ******ed right now I can't examplify it for you with any sort redline corrections.

    First, Stolen pose is stolen. I've seen this picture before, and quite frankly it doesn't meet up to the original one.

    When you notice her waist is nearly as thin as her neck, you know there are some problems. D: Her organs cannot possible all fit in there, and I know anime style is exaggerated, but not this much. Besides her bust, she lacks normal curves that one would see. It's very triangular almost, making it seem bony and lacking of correct proportions. Note that her outstretched arm is significantly shorter than the rested one. The hair looks matted and teased...not really like hair at all. I'd put the effort into making round flows, because as of now they are horribly jagged. Spend time on individual strands of four or five pieces of hair, for a more natural feel. Her eyes are definitely not symmetrical, and one seems to be somewhat lopsided. Her mouth is just weird. >.>;;;

    You make the picture seem especially amateur in the way that you conveniently cut off her arms to a point at which you don't see her hands. I'm assuming this is on purpose due to the fact that you lack the ability to draw hands very well, but it's still better to draw them than to wuss out. Personally, I would completely start over because at my standards it's not really rescuable. <:3

    Edited, because multiple people have agreed it would be a wise choice ((((((^-^; ).

    Upon exploring these parts of the forum more I've realized how few the number of people that actually draw is here. Most of the threads I see are just premade images manipulated with Photoshop or Painter.

    So while I didn't notice this before, I think it's rather admirable to be one of the only people here who actually draws there own stuff. It annoys me to no end when people think they have such artistic talent, yet they themselves use other artists work as the centerpiece of their own art. Cheap D:
    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Alice
    The Night Stalker....*snerk* So cheesy. Dangerously cheesy. I'm sorry, but I cannot take that character seriously with such an alias. ROFL.

    Although I like the story line, it's just that name. Not quite so original lol, but amusing. I'd just like to suggest that sentences like this one should be modified to not sound so static:

    "...threw his hand towards them and a REALLY strong wind pushed them back a long ways..."

    Yeah um, fourth grader much? Some of the sentences aren't very developed, but I think if you put some effort into slacks like this it would improve the atmosphere of the writing. And you don't always need to call them by name. There's a reason the English language has pronouns, besides that fact that it's ******ed and indecisive. They add variety to a sentence, hence making it sound more mature. Don't open it with "The Night Stalker", but rather just say "she", "he", or "they" if you want to imply how Axel and Larxene are unaware of the gender. It becomes very repitious, hearing such a name several times in consistency. Anyway, a kind of redline example, if you will:

    "The hooded figure thrust his hand towards the pair, cueing a magnificently forceful wind that push them back an immense distance..."

    See how pretty it looks? :3
    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Alice
    #1. I would possibly have to punch you in the face you via intarweb if you stopped writing. :3

    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Alice
    Gawd, I couldn't stop if I consciously wanted to. I'm already addicted. @_@
    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Alice
    This is why I try to not read fanfics that are ongoing...I get so anxious about the next post, it's too horrible to go through the wait. <:3

    Wonderful, though.
    Post by: Alice, May 5, 2007 in forum: Archives