Like I"m excited to see my friends and everything. And I'm excited for like the first day. When you get to see your new teachers and everything. But then after the first day I dread it.
I'm 13 gonna be 14 this november.
Belle punched him in the stomach.
Yeah I saw some commercials for it and I thought it looked pretty good. But it's not something I'm going to get all excited over. If you know what I mean.
Pirates of the Carribean #1. I didn't really like the other ones as much as the first.
I like them both a lot. But I'm going with Jack Sparrow cuz that's my FAVORITE move.
OOC: kk bye BIC: " Oh I think I could." Belle said.
" No way I'm not going to let him get away with that. He got himself into this." She said walking up to Issac.
" That's it. Get ready for a butt wooping." She said as her hands went to fists.
She glared at him and put her hands on her hips. " Don't be sassy to me boy. Unless you want your *** kicked." She said.
" So that means you're an asassin?" Belle asked Issac.
" Your mother was an asassin?" Belle asked surprised.
" So it was Hades who made your father go into hiding?" Belle said.
" Oh yeah that's right. How did you die. I mean I know hades killed you but why did you go and try to fight him?" Belle asked.
Belle looked at him. Then over at Creed. " What's up with him." She asked Varnor. " I mean he's been ignoring us. And suddenly he decides that if we get in trouble he won't help us. Not that we need it or anything. I just think it's kind of weird." She said.
" There. Yeah you need to save some of your strength for when we fight Matt." She said.
" Yeah but you've been pulling these ships for a long time." Belle said. OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post there's something wrong with my computer.
" Oh Varnor I don't think you have to keep pulling. You might want to save some of your energy." Belle said to him.
" Is that it?" Belle asked.
OOC: sorry i gtg, be back later