I didn't hear about the shooting until the next day. The videos he sent to NBC was pretty disturbing. And when I was reading the article on the Yahoo! homepage, I found alot of things that were..."unnatural." Even though Cho's actions were very wrong, IMO, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him, considering he didn't have any or maybe even any friends at all and he was depressed. There were a few things I didn't understand though, like why he said he did it for his "children" and his "brothers and sisters." The last thing I didn't understand was why he wrote "Ismail Ax" on his hand...though I might have some idea as to what that might mean.
Those are some nice Keyblades right there. I like the Acrossing Two.
First off, I'm a premium member because I have posted at least 1000 posts. Secondly, I haven't been coming here often, so I don't really know what's going on.
Wait...I don't get this. What's with the animation? Did you make it or something?
My first friend was The_Darkness...A.K.A. ~Staple's~...A.K.A. The_Burger_King...A.K.A. -Sharp>. Yeah...good times.
For some reason, I don't think so. I think it's some kind of "circle". Like...hmm. It's hard to explain.