Where the heck was I when this all happened?
A piece of paper with a bunch of words on it can't truly measure a person's intelligence because the person can be a genius and just not try on the test, or the person could be an idiot, but seem smart by cheating on the test. Another method would be suitable because testing isn't really helpful.
WOW. WOW. I would have said the same thing if you hadn't said it first.
There's that, though you could have just helped me right now. ^.^
Not helping...>.>
The first anime show I watched was Pokemon. Gotta catch 'em all. Seriously.
I like this one. The only thing I think is disturbing is whatever is under the Enigmatic Knight. Totally awesome. Seriously.
Generally, I like this sig, although I don't know what's with the squiggly effects. 8.5/10
I didn't really know what section to put this in, but I'll just put it here for safety. Could anyone get me an animated "video-thingamajiggers" of ProtoMan FZ from MegaMan Battle Network 6 performing DeltaRayEdge? (Whole sequence, all the way from Protoman shining) Please?
~White Night True Light (DN Angel Theme) - Shunichi Miyamoto
I own a Samsung SGH-X495 from T-Mobile. It's not really a great phone since my parents spent the rest of their money on a different phone for my sister. I'll get a better cellphone some other time. This danged cellphone can't even go for a one-hour call without having to be charged.
Cool sig, dude. I don't know what's with the green color, but it does nicely. But I have three questions for you. 1. GIMP or PS? 2. Brush location? 3. What size is that?
Tough decision between C4E and Cin for me. But I vote for Cin.
I've beaten it twice, both on Proud Mode. The first time took me like 5 weeks because I could only play one hour every once in a while since I don't actually own the game. But the second time, I beat it in one day. My arms hurt so bad... >.>
Good, so you can get advice from me! xD Anyways, you can't really ask what to look out for since they are so many different strategies and how people play. But here's what I do. Once you beat the first world, go immediately to Olympia, so you can get Cloud. Ownage right there. Use some Calm Bounties to get some Blizzard Raids, stuff like that. New keyblades are always good. Um...just try to explore the game. Usually, the first game file is the worst, and that's always fine, since you're getting used to the game. Just go play the game and enjoy it and if you have questions, just ask.
A "chaser" is a name given to the original creators of the Keyblade A.K.A. The knights.
*sigh* The answer is Aerith because if you translate the original Japanese text for her name, it translates to "Aerisu". People have been confused because of the "S" and therefore say her name is "Aeris". But in Japanese, well in this case, the "isu" is meant to sound sort of like the English "th". If you pronounce her name correctly, it would be "Air-ri-s-u", where the letter "U" is either whispered or devoiced.
Dude, don't boast about something if you haven't even done it yet. Anyways, this is very nicely done, and no abuse of anything, like Duck Flare... >.> Anyways, this guy is really good at dodging all of the ES's attacks.
I'm not quite sure why this kind of thread is even here, but whatever. No, I don't have KHII in my possession, as I play on my cousin's PS2. Yes, I have beaten KHII on Proud Mode.
A good combination of 1s and Powerwild, but it doesn't make a good deck. One reason is that because what if you run out of Powerwilds? You would have to put strong cards to support this. And the Powerwilds also cost some CP. It's a good combination, and you might want to put it in your deck, but it shouldn't be the basis of your deck.