Since you claim to be a pwnsome person, I will join you. *headbang* OWWWWWW! **** that!
-EDIT- New one!
Well, when I was younger, I did. I do now, when I'm bored. Aunt: Be-Wy! (I don't know WHERE I got that from. No, that's not her name.) Stuffed Monkey: Jimmy White Alligator: Billybillybobillybananafannafofilly
You mean the monkey? xD One time, I won this fish from the carnival after throwing the ring on one of the poles (YES! I ROCK! xD). The next day, I asked my mom to feed my Fish (I named it, Fishy! SO ORIGINAL!). And then, when I came home, I found my fish dead and the fishbowl full of water. T
Well, just like "smart" classes. Above average and stuff. No offense intended or anything.
No wonder it felt good to come back...xD Jk, welcome back...wait. (*Roxas*, RoxasDualEX. ^.^)
Are you taking Honors courses or something? Because I am, but you might feel bad if I show you my exam scores. Anyways, if it's REALLY that hard, then I congratulate on your exam scores.
Simple, when gas runs out, gas runs out. It's not going to be an end of the world because we lost one resource. Hopefully, people will be smart enough to think of an alternative source of energy instead of gas.
Um, are those scores good or bad? Because I REALLY can't tell. Btw, what's Add maths? It sounds familiar.
It's your mam. :3
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a chance to read much manga in my whole life, but I like Naruto the best.
I remember Orisinal when I was little. I used to play all the time.
If by normal, you mean the Kingdom Key, than it's probably equipped to one of your Drive Forms. (Psst...I wouldn't know perfectly since Kingdom Key is my usual weapon. And when I went into Final Form for the first time, I got Oblivion as my second Keyblade and then I was all like, "Sweet...Seriously." :D -Edited- Since this was posted AFTER you said that, I guess I have no idea then.
Dude, you THREW her in the water!? If a girl clung on to me, I wouldn't mind, so long as she was nice and didn't have a boyfriend. ^_^
I am for this. I'm a child of a father that smokes and as a young child at about 2 years old, I've inhaled the fumes that are smoked out of a cigarette. And it isn't pleasant.
Congrats, dude. You're getting married...WTF happened when I was gone?
Welcome to KH-Vids. Hope you enjoy it here. Seriously.
Not really, mainly because it wouldn't even help. No one would agree to it, and if this "rule" changed, no one would follow it anyhow.
It would be wise, money-wise for Square, to release it on the PS2 because of the PS3's outrageous price. But most likely it would be on the PS3 because it's getting old.
I will never understand Roxas.