I second that. >_>
Dude, this isn't a very polite thread to post. I mean, talking about other people having low rep?
I prefer Cure/Cura/Curaga and Reflect/Reflera(If memory serves me correctly)/Reflega. I'm more of a defensive player rather than offensive.
I stopped because I hated the battle style compared to the second one. I use the camera to my full advantage (mostly to see the whole field and my opponent). The camera was a little awkward in the first one. The game was also boring, ESPECIALLY the Gummi Ship.
Well, out of the three you've chosen... Those three are actually the easiest and are equally as difficult as each other if you know how to beat them correctly. The HARDEST one of the actual six that FireNanaki said, at least for most people I've seen, is Poster Duty.
I've had many bad experiences, notably in the last 2 years. Weird. I can only name one for right now. I was at school one day, about to go get some lunch with my friends and stuff. We were waiting in the lunch line very patiently as there were mozzerella cheesesticks. Cheesesticks are a big thing in my school since the lunch there is like crap. These dudes come up to us and "cut" in line. I don't really care about people cutting in line because I'll get my food eventually anyways. But in this situation, I knew these two dudes and they were my enemies, particularly rivals, to say the least. They were all being obnoxious and s*** and I was like, "Hey dudes, I don't really care if you cut me in line or that crap, but you don't have to be sons of a *****es about it." I was in a bad mood at the time. Then the dudes were getting all cocky and starting beating me up and that. My friend tried to defend me and we both got hit pretty hard. (The cafeteria is small in a square-shaped room, almost a rectangle. The lunch lines are blocked by the lunch tables where we eat.) My friend and I hit the tables pretty hard and the tables pushed against each other like dominos. Unfortunately, the principal of the school came in at the wrong second and assumed my friend and I were trying to cause chaos or something. WE, instead of those two guys, got in HUGE trouble, almost suspended. My friend and I tried our best to explain what happened, but the principal didn't believe us and those two dudes lied to her about what happened. This isn't that big of a deal, but I consider it the worst experience of my life because it was the beginning of a string of bad experiences that lasted for a few months. -Edit- More of an add-on. My parents said directly to my face, "You're just a waste of our space, and if we didn't have you as a child, our lives would be SO much better and we'd be more wealthy. ...That was the coldest thing I've ever heard.
I just have a quick question. I don't know if it's posted or not, because I didn't see it. Take this situation into thought: You're in a battle with Xigbar, Luxord, or Saix. They're kinda low on health and you go into Final Form. You kill them in Final Form. Does that count as one experience point for Final Form since it levels up by the number of Nobodies defeated? I've always wondered.
I'll be a freshman in high school. I'll feel like a sophomore because all my classes are 10th grade classes except for my religion class. I hate being smart. >.<
MAJOR BUMP. Seriously.
A long delayed hello at that. Anyways, hello there. Seriously.
For Kingdom Hearts II, I hated the difficulty. It was SO easy. But what I really hated the most was how easy Sephiroth is to beat. Make him stronger and faster! >O
Thanks for the comments, and the criticism (Mr. Mouse). Anyways, I made this out of random and boredom, so I didn't expect it to be that great. I just scrapped a few things together.
Well, you're color-coordinated, sort of, but in a positive way. The X's do look nice but it doesn't go well in the sig and since it's dominating most of it, it doesn't look well blended. Instead of using X's, try using other effects/brushes. I'm not sure if it would look better or not, but you could change the size of the render/stock. But overall, it's okay.
That's a bit excessive? Anyways, compared to Xemnas's power, Sephiroth would annihilate him, mainly because of his speed and big-*** sword. Sephiroth also has the power of darkness, meteors, game-hacking powers. Awesome. Seriously.
Welcome to KHV. Don't spam, double post, etc. Enjoy yourself here. Seriously.
Kira's Image Song - GSD (I don't remember the dude's name)
Yeah, the staff rocks! Amazingly, they're one of the few reasons I even stay on this site. Such addiction. :D
Oh yeah, I've gone insane. Oh wait, this isn't the Cookie Paradise. >.> Death Note.
I was thinking it was a Nobody, but it didn't reveal itself to be a Nobody like the other mysteries. Because Roxas was in the virtual Twilight Town, I think it was programmed by someone else, but it's just a guess.
Two words : Ni-ICE