I beg to differ. Halo addicts. >_>
I live in the South. ^_^ Although it's kind of horrible here in Louisiana in the aftermath of Katrina. But I don't live in New Orleans. ^_^
He's alright, I suppose, but he's not great. But at least he's not bad.
Kingdom Hearts II Soul Calibur II Grand Turismo Tekken 4 Final Fantasy XII ... I don't actually own a PS2. I play on my cousin's.
Death Note, Second Opening. It wasn't ironic to the actual plotline, but it was weird since all of it was basically cursing. >.>
A better way of saying NtPD is this. BUMPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude, this is so weird. Yes, it's VERY monotonous. Deal with it.
For some reason, all my cousins said that 19 was always a bad birthday. But to make you feel better, Happy Birthday! It'll be fine.
No, you will not.
Well, you're getting better since I first saw your earlier sigs, that's for sure. The text is just atrocious, no offense, because I have that same problem. >_> Damn text.
I have two boxes of pizza in my kitchen.
Fortunately, no. I've been out of school for 2 weeks already.
No, you may not. Access denied. Talk about a MAJOR bump.
Very nice, but as cool as it is, I can't read it because I don't have Japanese encoding and I don't know where to get it.
Fields of Hope - Rie Tanaka
Hero - MMBN6
Alot of people on the forums fake their ages, so it's really hard to tell. I thought Misty was 16. >_>
Well, I didn't really care at the time since I just wanted to beat the game. But ever since KHII came out, Organization XIII has been the focus of a lot of discussion. Anyways, uh, no.
@Zexion: I meant I was about to ask the same thing you were.
That's a very nice sig, IMO. The render blends with the background, which I don't see very common. Criticism: Hmm...I dunno. I honestly can't find anything to say since changing some part of the sig might ruin it.