this goes here noob.this is a game not a fanfic.
pretty much splatter mask tag.i dont know who the guy is lol.anyways i made the avatar which is just a crop of the tag.cnc.btw real cnc ok. avatar tag
guys read the thread darky posted about CnC.anyways DM is right.the render is poor and has poor quality.sharpen it and use warm filters.also use a purple to orange filter at low opacity.
you dont even know fayth,because fayth is a guy not a girl.i known him for a long time and hes a guy ok.
neon lights
space....i dont know lol
looks really interesting,i still prefer guitar hero even though i dont have it lol.
walt disney
mickey mouse
darky isnt banned sheesh. in the glue....
ok,im gonna say this one time and one time only,TEXT DOENST ALWAYS HAVE TO BE READABLE!.when text is blocked or behind something thats because its to give it a nice effect.not so you got a cool tag and than theres that arial bold text in front that ruins it.anyways this tag is good bro.the dark goes with the guys pants.leave the text the way it is.
color pencils
pinch yourself in the cheeks.
Dean ahhhh!
blank paper
umm....raising post count
it isnt that good,not even for a first.all ya did was use a couple of wind which you used on with the brushes and settings to do actual photomanip.good try tho atleast.
300 the movie