Basically a play around with smudging...... not really eye friendly. CNC
Inspiration has been fleeting for months and this is the best i can come up with lately...... sigh cnc.
First EVER digital coloring i'm quite proud. CnC. And yes i'm aware of those ugly guide lines i didn't think i'd post it when i started.
I tell ya that Ellen. She wants Cnc.
Yup i'm posting again. CnC no ratings etc.
Yeah kinda thought about whether or not i should post this but i need CnC to get better. That is why you are all going to post REAL CnC
WOW now my life is complete. CnC.
In my everlong search for a style i've made THIS!!! CnC
So when I hit Prem thats my new name CnC
CnC now.
Yup i've now officially whored this stock. CnC
14 members on thats a shitload. POST DAMN YOU!!! YOUR BORING ME!!!
Watch yourself or yo will have to deal with THIS!!!
Part of the Ian Irvine quartet "The View from the Mirror". Possibly one of the best book series i have ever read. It has a great storyline and plot and the characters are amazing on how their personalities are portrayed. Who else has read the fabulous series?
After some fiddling i've managed to pull something i like :'D. Heres a few i did last night. CnC Feel free to use
I'm still not that good with Avatars yet but critique and practice will fix that. Heres 4 i've cranked out. Feel free to use. CnC!!!!
Ok here are 4 works i did last year throughout the time of Maths. I have like 10 others of that girl with the laxatives But i don't feel the need to post them because they aren't that funny. This was done with Inks. :3 If you like these then *cough*REP*cough* Then i guess i did a good job x3.
Again i continue to experiment with different media. I don't like how this turned out........... Not at all. CnC MEEEEEEEEE!!
Ok playing around with liquify xD. Photoshop was having its period on me because it wouldn't use certain filters =/. Anywho, Skittles all yours xD. CnC.