My thoughts exactly. Aren't Bull Testicles usually for Dogs?
I made High Honor roll. That is all.
It was a cliff hanger, until it's basically confirmed that he has died, he hasn't.
Most Churches has modernized and made ringing controlled by a computer. It could easily be a malfunction. I know that the 4 churches in my town all ring at the same time at 6am, 12pm, and 6pm, and none of the bells actually ring, it's just the sound of ringing coming from speakers in the tower.
In my opinion, if they are going to keep drugs illegal, cigarettes and drinking should be illegal as well. The only reason they are is that people have free will and rights to do whatever they want with their body. Drugs is no different. I believe if drugs are legalized and regulated by the government, the problems with drugs would lessen a LOT. Marijuana sold on the streets is laced with other harmful drugs, if it was regulated by pharmaceuticals then it would probably be a much safer drug. If you want to treat addiction for Alcoholics as a disease, why not with drugs as well. It's so sad that sick people with problems are arrested and called criminals for either being a victim of a circumstance or wanting to have fun. Druggies shouldn't be treated as bad people, they've made mistakes and should be given the chance to heal themselves. If drugs were legal, those with the problems of addiction could be sent to rehabilitation rather then to prison. There's a lot of people who think drugs should stay illegal due to the dangers they pose to the person taking them and those around them. Let's look again at Alcohol, there's more death caused by drunk idiots in a year then by drug induced crime, easily. Drunk Drivers are sent to jail. Just Drunken people get away free. If this approach was taken with drugs as well, addicts who DO actually hurt people while under the influence can be treated with capital punishment. Those that are just doing drugs in their basement and not hurting anyone, should be treated as normal people. In short, drugs being illegal is completely unfair, and either all forms of addictive substance should be illegal, or none should.
To be honest I'm still wondering how the birthing process worked... Like, without a vagina, there's no place for the baby to go during birth, unless they performed a c-section, but even then that'd be a bad experience for anyone with or without a penis.
Okay, I was alright with Goku going to school. I was fine with Piccilo not having antennae. Master Roshi's talking pets not present...okaaaay. Fail Teenage actor cast as the most powerful man in the OKAY. But this is too damn ****ing far. I just saw a leaked picture of Goku transformed into a Great Ape. He looks like a Fish monster. THIS IS IT. I WILL NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE, IT'S NOT EVEN BEEN RELEASED YET AND IT'S RAPED MY CHILDHOOD OBSESSION. Edit: Click at your own risk. Spoiler
It's possible for both men and women to lactate with proper incentive. Most Men just never have the need so their body doesn't produce the milk.
How'd you get past the Hurdle!?
I'll admit...I wasn't suspecting a Hurdle.
K well, my best was 27 meters. It was a painful 15 minutes GAH.
It seems strange that they played with Sephy's design so much, but so little with Cloud's.
And yet you read on anyway Silly, silly man.
...GODDAMNIT. Who keeps doing this to me!?
You guys seriously won't believe what happened to me earlier today. It was the freakiest thing. Just, listen to me here, alright. So I was walking home from school, when this white van swerves off the road and onto the sidewalk like RIGHT next to me. These two guys jumped out wearing these masks. And like...I was just so... Lost, I guess, I had no idea what was going on, they kept screaming at me. I couldn't really understand them, like they were speaking English but nothing really registered to me. The funny thing is, I didn't even notice them shove a mask over my face too, I think I was pretty delirious at this point, not like HIGH delirious, but like "Dude, wtf is going on?". Game turns out to be that this Paramedic Team got called to the site of a massive chemical spill where a trunk carrying liquid nitrogen exploded. They were in the wrong town, rounding up people. And it was SO hilarious when I was in the van, and I asked what the **** was happening. The Paramedics turn to me and say "Read the first word in each paragraph!".
After researching Bahamut Lagoon, it seems VERY likely thi is something related to it... Though, just bein' a FF12fag here, the city on the Alexander creature looks similar to Archades.
Clever .
Well if George Lucas says it...