*waits for float*
15673 Yup!!
I'm blue....da ba dee da ba dai!!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=H25lz7gchaw 15670
That shadow is creepy, not to mention UFO's my brother saw....
15651 Boom!
Take a picture!!!!!!!
15440 not unless we post fast, either one of us besides Hawki and roxma gets the hundred, and we'll just laugh!
Lolz!!!! Well hope you get to sleep wel tonight
15634 It would be an adventure!!!
Hahahahahahahaha, That must be very embarassing...
15629 I know CTR has one, but other staff haven't seen it yet
^ sorry, very sorry...
15624 Hope you do!!*cheers for Roxma* (nobodies going to Fancy apartments....*cries*)
15621 Awww they took my freakin kidney!!
No, my bro, just kept taking pics, with a video cam, since that was 2002, our video cam didn't show the pics after you put in the PC...when we uploaded it, we saw a child playing, if you notice the pic, the shadow is very dark than the other shadowed objects
15615 Candy Mountain!
15611 Boom!
If it's very near the neighborhood, no.... But if it's a little far away, pretty awkward to hear voices, it must be telling you something My brother saw a shadow once in our house. The scary part, he was alone in the house, My parents and I went to buy something, he didn't come here's a pic how'd he get this He was taking pictures at a 360 degree angle so he just kept getting shots It was pretty weird, it looked like a small girl playing, and the only person at the house was my brother...
15607 WOOT FOR SORAX!! lolz!
Mama Mia!!!!