^ It's either he's a stalker or a person who wants KHV to be closed forever
15921 Eh?
15919 I'm eating oreos
^ Boink! Ditto, double....
I don't think putting the food would do best in there, why not the oven, so when people want some, just turn the knob and you're done!
15914 You guys are death gods all of a sudden?
Cin, i'm sorry if i bumped this thread, but this was yesterday's Well...what we know is that it's a ghost that haunts the house Other paranormal activities that happened to that.....well.... My 8 year old sister asked for chocolate milk from my brother, so my brother went down the and made some in the kitchen, what happened was my sister was there...waiting on a chair and so my brother asked "Why don't you go upstairs, I'll just leave your milk upstairs then" So my my brother did went up, but my sister didn't, and besides, my brother's 16 back then so he would know if my sister would come up. When he got to her room which was very near the stairs, she saw her with my mom, laughing about something. My brother asked my sister "Weren't you downstairs?" my sister was like "What are you talking about? I was right here the whole time waiting for the chocolate milk." And my brother freaked out all of a sudden. I think there's two more, I'll tell you once you reply back
15912 hey guys wutsup?
Oh, here i brought a Coke 6-pack
15733 Boom-eth!
oh dew *sips* thank you!
15725 Boom!
15723 Kayz, thanks
15721 oh, okay
15718 ehhh..i still feel noobish around pivot though How do you put music in it?
15716 *dances* I just got busy with Pivot, thought i check it out
15713 Ello Guys!
15681 Oh it's fine, i already got one
15678 that's true I think i'll download pivot
15675 Pivot is better than macromedia flash, flash is a bit hard