O Rly? .......
Haha!! Lmao!!!
16125 Now i got some avy attackage to do
16122 By- *explodes*
16118 Boom!
16107 You haven't watch it yet?
16101 Hurray For Sis!
Oh wow!!!! I'm on your buddy list!
16096 Why are you hugging my belly?
16094 Dude too late!! i ate the whole thing!!!
LoL! cute......
16090 Eat For Your Lives!!!!
I think ignoring is a best idea, I mean, I know it's bad but ignoring would be better
16088 Cake anyone?
Ha!!! yeah!!!! That would be cool!
You're also gonna be on my bud list! 16080
YAY!!! ロクサス /D/J/_!DaNgEr_*MOU5E* Akino Alice anniexo_lexa Bunterx burnitup Catch The Rain Cin Da Freak Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress demonslayer_kyle DPWolf eastercat Emo Pengwin FireNanaki hahannuh hawki92 hikki_kairi HisNobody John S. K a i r i KairiSoraKeyoflight khchick55 kitty_mckechnie La Sofa libregkd Lithium Mish namine_of_kh2 Nightwinde Rena88 Roxas Roxasvsriku Roxas_is_Hot Roxllen Roxma Rufus Sara Sasuke_Uchiha sgh SoRaXKaIRi the muffin man VideoGameNerd246 Xaldin Zexion of the Twilight All on ym buddy list are and will be premium!!!!
How bout myspace people, myspace people make those Zwinky people look bad!!
How many people does it take to be random... ......IDK.......