Skunkgirl Sandapants
Skanky sanda 8D
Why yes, HB is a crack baby.
****ty sanda :3
Silly lesbian Mish.
loose-some-weight? Did I pronounce it right? n_n
You must've really worked hard on these. The details on these are the best yet. And the different values you used even with it being black and white are really great. It makes for good contrast. And omg @ Eileen! You've captured her curvaliciousness peeerfectly. I always love your drawing style, I cant wait till your next batch <3
I can always answer that for you Kyle ;D So HB, KH or KH2?
Dude, that was uncalled for ;~;
The things I will do to your bottom shall make it so that you never walk again~
*disowns* jk xD
It better be strawberry D:
Best adminz evar along with Legion of course ;D
Cin is exactly how I imagined =o How deliciously hot ;D
Ah, I remember all those. Twas an awesome time indeedy. And Cheal's in college now. I go by his house every now and then to play video games. He just mostly does naruto RP these days lol.
Ah, so thats why you're so big... What is your favortie food?
Are you pregnant?
Are you afraid of them sagging within the next 5 years?
I just like confusing kitty and making her feel stupid >D Well, stupider anyways.
Kitty smells so damn bad D: Welcome back Mr.Canada :3