WaveDasher would ensure her an even greater one.
What is recess? D:
Oh eeem geee, lets go with white, because HB is cool like that. Even if its only for a short while~
I agree with Muffin, very cute ^_^ Lemme guess, you're a new yorker?
*watches RvR making fat angels in HB's girth*
HB is fat. So does she get an opinion? o.o
You arent a person, you dont count~
I'll choose white if ya give me something in return ;D
Lets change it to some sexy dark pinkish color 8D
Nah, you just need someone who can kiss your ass ;D
Well being nice doesnt work~
I see kitty is still being a ***** :3
Wow, 10 more days and this will have been up for a month. Those mods have lightning reflexes! So HB, What color shall you dye your hair next?
Kitty makes me sick >:
Blue is my favorite. Im even eating some now =o
I would ;3;
Put a pad on it?
We have a winner.
Mine is Badtz-Maru.