I'll tell you if HB gives me something :3
And then they stuck it in the microwave and it still wouldnt die?
Obviously he did need supervision now didnt he? ;D
I highly doubt that Naruto will get sued since no one goes and buries themselves under sand lol. Plus if parents left their son long enough to die from sand, then obviously they suck at parental supervision.
Nothing at all.
Really great job on these. I especially like the Mary, Eileen, and SH0 nurse ones. Pretty awesome when you consider the long hiatus you've had from drawing. Keep up the good work though.
There's already a thread to talk about Brawl lol.
I love using RPG maker XP =D.But I ended up having to make alot of my own stuff since they have a limited selection of icons and hit effects for the skills lol. I cant wait to play your game though, looks good.
Its lucas. I still have to get better with him to the point where I can kill a whole bunch of people in Cruel battle thing. So far I can only kill about 2 before getting sent flying lol.
Sushi knows my main, and shall be defeated by him >D
^Hottest scot ever^
Dude, I have to see that xD. And you dont look old. You sure you arent lying about your age? ;D
I know xD, thats why im happy to see you again~ And you have a very big tongue :3
Jigglypuff for top tier. Amirite? 8D And because of the shield in the Home run contest, I think I may have found a few people with potential to out hit Yoshi and his feet of fury~
Sean is getting so cute <3
Aww, you're even more prettier then the last time I saw you ^_^
More pictures of Mama kthxplz ;D
I like how the render copies fades untill is matches the background, kinda cool actually. The light source is way too blinding as Cin said. Try using a soft white brush on soft light or overlay (or whatever the gimp equivalent of that is). The background could use some more work and a little effects would be sweet. Maybe some pentooling or C4D's, which could help accentuate the nice flow thats already there. Pretty good for your second try though. Most people just take a picture and add text on it lol.
Yay, Mama has returned :3
I <3 purple Link. Makes him look so much sexier.