When pigs fly, we'll be able to tame them to fly us to school >D
This is a post. Ya dig?
Mish is just angry cause she's a lesbian now. Btw, my brother's birthday is tomorrow. I expect many presents sent to Mexico, from where I shall have them delivered to me. Thanks in advance~
Star trek Anime I beg to differ :3
It's Kingdom Glory's birthday :3
I came on just to say how much you rock at drawing. Keep practicing so I can see that masterpiece one day <3
She finally got the pictures I wanted =D Thank you rufus~
appearently makes these.
"Denizens of light, answer this: Why do you hate the darkness?"
*huggles* :3
We only got half an hour for our whole lunch >:
Wow, how long are you gonna keep going on about that? |:
*pushes brick off of Yukai's head* Creativity, Flow to her! GOGOGO! xD
Im waiting for you to accept me, Mama |:
He'd been in that state since he was, as you put it, a wee lassie xD
Kitty |||||||: Chiiiiins xD
Tug on your ass? n___n