True. Although the psychic hookers are pretty useful. They know when cops are coming near.
Did you know that soon HellKitten will be amongst us and destroy us all?
Exactly, yours was the most pointless of all lol.
Oh god, are you making another one Hahannuh? xD I'll forgive you since you're pretty hot. Although this isnt so much a welcome to the forum as much as a welcome back. You know the rules, be good, yada yada. Btw, Darky and Mish still frequent here but Roxas is banned. Like 8 time over >_>
Nice, I gotta find your boyfriend and e-five him.
I shall attack whilst you are out of your fort.
Its not like he has a chance since you have a boyfriend and all~
Well at least now I dont need an autopsy to know that I dont have a heart.
I lol'd
Did you not make like 5 yourself? >:
Looks like I have a new name to change to :3
Yeah, I was planning to buy this when it came to the PS2. But BBrawl took my money, so I'll be waiting a while lol. But its nice to see that its still as awesosme as the other games. Now im definitely buying it for sure.
HB is a girl? o:
The more reason to eat it. Better hurry, you know how pissy metals get with all that oxygen around.
Eat it? Dont forget to melt it down first. Gotta take it down quick and hot.
Sheesh, ok xD. You know I only go once every leap year.
Is patrick's head fluffy? o:
I wanna make love to your post. Like, now please.
It's super effective.