thnx for the code but i already have the code and i have tried it with both normal riku and special edition riku when ever i press jump riku T-stances
Riku can fly is it possible to make riku glide cause a guy made riku glide and gave him super jump heres the link :
thnx Tiagossj3 it worked oh and i also found out tht u dont have to equip kingdom key in the valor slot jus choose riku with final form moveset and and the codes tht deadheart gave and it works the same as u equip kingdom key in valor slot Edit:oh and theres a problem with the code when u go to a new screen and jump or attack it T-stances Riku
well i tried the first one and 3rd together but i only got regular riku wdh samurai EDIT:do i have to try first and second together oh and i use AR MAX Edit 2:i try using the 1st and second code together but after i load my save data the game frezzes i can hear music but no graphics. Tiagossj3 and Deadheart can u help me
play as mickey alone Can somone Give me a code to play as mickey alone
oh thank you Thanx to 00Roxas00 for finding this Boss stats modifier: You can decide the amount of Strenght,Hp, Defense and Resistance your enemy has. Just replace the question marks with the amount of stats you want to raise the boss in HEX. Code: For solo boss battles: HP 11C6C4E8 0000???? - Current? 11C6C4EC 0000???? - Max? Str 11C6C670 0000???? DEF 11C6C674 0000???? Resistances Elementals 21C6C690 ??????64 21C6C694 0064???? For team boss battles: HP 11C6C018 0000???? - Current? 11C6C01C 0000????- Max Str 11C6C1A0 0000???? DEF 11C6C1A4 0000???? Resistances 21C6C1C0 ??????64 21C6C1C4 0064????
well this codes problem is tht 1st:Roxas is equipped with oblivion 2nd:whenever i equip an other weapon and change map that weapon is gone and i have oblivion in its place and when i equip an other weapon instead of one there r two oblivion keyblade in my keyblade selection slot can u help me please
Dual wield Roxas can someone give me drive into dual weild Roxas code
Zexion replaces Donald (Jokered to R2) E001FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B6A 0000097B Laxeus replaces Goofy (Jokered to L2) E001FEFF 0034D45C 11CE0B6C 00000935 EDIT:CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME THE CODE TO DRIVE INTO DUAL WEILD ROXAS
and if this one doesnt work try this one 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000D 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 and can someone give me the code for DW anti form and anti form use reaction command Edit:nevermind i found the code for anti with Reaction command and DW Anti from 11CE0B72 00000059 just drive into wisdom form to be antifrom 1032EF3C 0000002A Credit goes to antiweapon Anti form second keyblade Oathkeeper
21C954F0 58455F48 21C954F4 00303835
the new codes are weird:)
so the floating keyblade code is to give sora final movset sweet
Infinite Health 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 and can someone give me the floating keyblades code
so how do we make him alive
well i experimented with it but Sora can only weild xaldins lances no other organizations weapon oh and can someone give me the floating keyblade code
Limit cut means the boses that u fight after clearing cavern of rememberance Full Party J0X6-2B83-XJ20Q R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N
Axel ally Replaces Donald V5DU-9HJY-J5590 F0N0-JZK6-U3RQY Replaces Goofy 1ACK-6B47-QBG1Y RNRY-FCPU-1AP4Q Axel(Limit Cut) as an ally MF59-V3E2-4GB4R 7XN4-QZ88-4Y0DA Axel(Lmit Cut)replaces Donald Jokered to R2 KN0E-RVPF-B63WC YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU ZPHQ-1PTY-XMZ0A Axel(Limit cut)replaces goofy Jokered to R2 TJ8V-8G9V-WD0KE YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU KW8Y-GVDA-4DM2X
Axels weapon so dead heart can u help us Here u go Axel ally Replaces Donald 11CE0B6A 000004DC Replaces Goofy 11CE0B6C 000004DC Axel(Limit Cut) as an ally 01CBF96C 00000009 Axel(Lmit Cut)replaces Donald Jokered to R2 E001FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B6A 000009C4 Axel(Limit cut)replaces goofy Jokered to R2 E001FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B6C 000009C4
D034D45C 0000FDFF 2032BAE0 00001B04 Hold R2 while changing map to go to room of sleep