Fight Sephiroth is there a code to go to sephiroths fight directly i have the code to go to 1000 heartless fight and the sephiroth fight.The 1000 heartless fight works fine but when i go to sephiroths fight the game hangs and im watching dark depths from way above and i cant move or do anything These r the code i used together Uninvincible Riku(Use the Circle shortcut on the samurai, must be refreshed for each room: 11CE0B6A 00000136 1032F228 0000012D Riku Code: Special Edition(Works best in HB/RG) 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 1000 Heartless battle (R2) E003FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00001104 2032BAE4 00420042 1032BAE8 00000042 Sephiroth Battle (L2) E003FEFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00000104 2032BAE4 004B004B 1032BAE8 0000004B Full Party 4032F064 00130001 03020100 00000000 can someone help me Edit:well i jokered the code and now it works fine but is there a code that we dont have to joker Riku and still goto sephiroths battle
DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (some of them still dont' appear tho) 5GVB-2CDX-XCNR2 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU GUJ8-274X-JJ8TA Roxas can perform Reaction Commands 95ZB-8DC7-GZWQQ YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 8NZ7-K6QT-Y7ANX as for Sora to have the two keyblades from Roxas fight there is none yet and Roxas not DW Roxas can use growth abilities like aerial dodge and glide no other growth ability it T-stances him
the code works fine for me everytime i use the key is to use the first one Riku Code: Special Edition 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 and the third one Riku can get hit (Use the Circle shortcut on the samurai, must be refreshed for each room): 11ce0b6A 00000136 1032f228 0000012D together leave the second one out cause since Riku has Two keyblade he cant use RC so try the first one and the third one together when ur save loads the samurai will have already replaces donald hold L1 to go to the shortcut menu and press Circle then Riku will get damaged by samurai since he'll T-stance and then Riku will be attackable NOTE:U have to do this everytime u go in a new screen Drive into DW Roxas replaces Valor Form 11CE0B68 0000005A 11CE0B70 00000323 21C9f674 000A0001 1032EE2C 00000061 1032E020 0000002B The last line gives him oblivion remove the last line if u dont want oblivion Roxas Left Hand Weapon Mod 10341164 0000???? Digits(Real): 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 0180 = Struggle Hammer 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 01F5 = Struggle Weapon Digits(Dummy's): 0769 - Starseeker 0317 - Way to the dawn 0069 - Oblivion 0074 - Darkside 023D - Kingdom Key 023E - Oathkeeper 0769 - Starseeker 076A - Hidden Dragon 076B - Hero's Crest 076C - Monochrome 076E - Follow The Wind 076F - Photon Debugger 0770 - Gullwing 0771 - Rumbling Rose 0772 - Guardian Soul 0773 - Wishes Lamp 0774 - Decisive Pumpkin 0775 - Sleeping Lion 0776 - Sweet Memories 0777 - Mysterious Abyss 0778 - Fatal Crest 0779 - Bond Of Flame 077A - Fenrir 077B - Ultima Weapon 02C0 - Auron's Weapon 0842 - Saix's Weapon 0845 - Xaldin's Lances 0846 - Axel's Weapon 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade
Deadheart have a favour to ask can u give me a code to give Riku 3 draw ability like u did for glide and aerial dodge yup thts the way it goes
NP deadheart I jus tried the Riku special Edition code,uninvincible Riku code,full party code,Mickey replaces goofy code and 1000 heartless battle code tht turned out to be a real awesome battle but two things pi**ed me off 1. Riku cant use RC 2. I ran out of potion is there a code to make Riku use RC and unlimited Potion Edit:well i think thts because When Mickey jumps he rotates around his keyblade so when he glides he is still rotating around his keyblade like Riku when he jumps and comes down he is type of a little bended so when he glide he is still bended
well i kinda deleated both codes since it didnt work now ill have to write them both again oh and he didnt T-stance while gliding he could change direction while gliding
1.Play Asia or Ebay 2.Swap magic and a moded PS2 or a slide card depending on wht version u have 3.u can buy it here Edit:i dont know much about slide card cause i have an NTSC version PS2 srry but this one doesnt work it freezes the game like before yup it works fine
hey congrats deadheart the jokered version works riku can glide and use aerial dodge(sadly one time while hes in the air) now ill try the status one
Srry doesnt work Deadheart the jokered one u gave me doesnt work jus as i press R2 the game freezes now ill try the save one ill edit this post if it works or doesnt work
which one is this riku with soras status or glide and aerial dodge in abilities
well deadheart the code doesnt work with normal riku code.i only equiped glide and aerial dodge i jumped but when i pressed jump again the game freezed so i think its the same with glide too ill edit this post if it works or doesnt works with speacial edition Edit:it does the same thing with riku special edition
well ill try them in a while
yup the abilities r in yellow and its written Glide MAX,Aerial Dodge MAX
well actually riku can use quick RC like the bat in COR when he uses tht sonic wave attack on us iused the RC Riku jumped and came down but the bat was still sppining and hurting the enemies like when Sora did the RC with the bat and i also tried to use goofys limit he could only through the first sheild then he T-stanced bad newz i went to Riku ability equip both of the abilities but when i jump and press jump again nothing happens and when i jump and use square he T-stances Edit:when i double check it he cant really equip the two abilities i mean it shows tht u have equiped them but when u remove pause and goto the abilities section again they r not equiped
ur welcome
well actually the riku code i had,had shortcut menu in it and circle was Attack and X was jump so he couldnt use items unless u put items in the shortcut menu unlike me
can u give me the code for tht
well actually the riku code special edition works great now riku can use some reaction but doesnt show them and he can use iteams too here Jokerd Ver Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games) R2 Stop TIme L2 Time will Flow D034D45C 0000FDFF 20349DEC 00000000 D034D45C 0000FEFF 20349DEC 00000001
k ill try hope it works
k ill try thnx well the falling frm somewhere helped me to use aerial doge and glide but cant u make a code for riku to normally jump and use aerial dodge and glide