whenever i goto dark marginthe game freezes i mean i can see the water and everything but in first person view and i cant move the camera or anythin can u help me Edit: oh and i also have a problem u see Roxas SE cant use glide,aerial dodge or guard which r really helpful where as Normal roxas can use glide,aerial dodge and guard can u make so tht Roxas SE can use these abilities
well its the ultimate drive form check it out urself and ull kone wht im talkin about nope the code doesnt work it gives me BSOD after i load my save
please can u re-do it so i can convert it to AR MAX format Edit again: Antiweapon: Don't ask for that here.
Axel Fully Powered up Can someone give me the Axel fully powered up code i remember seeing it somewhere in the previous thread but i cant find it so can someone please give me the code
well when u drive onto a form then the command changes to revert in shortcut menu and yes i have tried this code on bosses it T-stances when we drive and we r invicible so we have no chance but to resart our game
Berserk Finisher mod: Code: 21C6C948 WWXXYYZZ ZZ = How many hits you do in a Ground Combo. YY = How many hits you do in an Air Combo. XX = How many Finishers you deal after a Ground Combo. WW = How many Finishers you deal after an Air Combo i cant try first one because it gives me an error not an ARMAX code since we have to change its first line which i cant cause when i convert it to Raw the Raw code of second one comes up and i dont knoe which line replaces: WMTY-4KPR-1JKB9 NYQY-GY1J-U9JGU 9MWV-1778-KXDQW DXZ1-ENH1-UQ6T5 H98U-GRZ3-9GH51 G0CC-YXFM-291N9 J2H9-TYB9-EGGPK VFN0-AKA6-CWQGJ K4JK-DE7U-P073Z 8JV7-5XFB-5DBDH RA79-585B-NXAKB to ACV8-C6DP-5HT1N in Raw format as for second one when we drive roxas t-stances
k which 3 lines do i have to take out anyway Roxas Left Hand Weapon Mod 10341164 0000???? Digits(Real): 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 0180 = Struggle Hammer 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 01F5 = Struggle Weapon Digits(Dummy's): 0769 - Starseeker 0317 - Way to the dawn 0069 - Oblivion 0074 - Darkside 023D - Kingdom Key 023E - Oathkeeper 0769 - Starseeker 076A - Hidden Dragon 076B - Hero's Crest 076C - Monochrome 076E - Follow The Wind 076F - Photon Debugger 0770 - Gullwing 0771 - Rumbling Rose 0772 - Guardian Soul 0773 - Wishes Lamp 0774 - Decisive Pumpkin 0775 - Sleeping Lion 0776 - Sweet Memories 0777 - Mysterious Abyss 0778 - Fatal Crest 0779 - Bond Of Flame 077A - Fenrir 077B - Ultima Weapon 02C0 - Auron's Weapon 0842 - Saix's Weapon 0845 - Xaldin's Lances 0846 - Axel's Weapon 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade one of these will give ur forms and summon fully leveled up MAX STATS & LVL 99 0032E02F 00000063 0032E029 000000FF 0032E02A 000000FF 0032E02B 000000FF All Sora Abilities 2032E074 81888189 2032E078 819481A5 2032E07C 81978197 2032E080 809E8195 2032E084 808A8052 2032E088 81080181 2032E08C 810D8061 2032E090 81118089 2032E094 8230810C 2032E098 018580C6 2032E09C 01828107 2032E0A0 819C8065 2032E0A4 810E00A2 2032E0A8 818F8110 2032E0AC 0238810B 2032E0B0 81958237 2032E0B4 8197822F 2032E0B8 819D0183 2032E0BC 00A38069 2032E0C0 00A300A2 2032E0C4 81098232 2032E0C8 810F8231 2032E0CC 8106810A 2032E0D0 0184821B 2032E0D4 818E806D 2032E0D8 0191818E 2032E0DC 8193819B 2032E0E0 81868198 2032E0E4 818C8192 2032E0E8 81A08195 2032E0EC 81888199 2032E0F0 819E018A 2032E0F4 8196819A 2032E0F8 018B818D 2032E0FC 8190821E 2032E100 8187819F 2032E104 821C8189
oh k thanx Deadheart Edit:oh btw have u ever tried to put Riku SE in valors slot maybe then he can use RC like Anti Form jus thinking.Man i dnt knoe whts wdh my AR MAX it sometimes erases some of my last code like i entered Roxas SE and a lot of Room Mod and now when i open it Roxas SE and all the Room Mod after tht r gone this stinbks but if u need the code then here it is thanx to 00Roxas00 for finding it: Play as DW Sora 01C9F62F 00000001 21C9F634 00303031 01C9F655 00000030 01C9F674 00000001 11CE0B68 00000323 Edit 2:Riku SE replaces Valor does work but T-stances and invincible riku comes up so we have to restart the PS2 both drive into whoever dnt work as for square is revert it works
well theres one problem in tht and thts Riku cant use RC i want Unlimited potions for Riku since when hes uninvincible he dies quckly so thts y i need the code Edit:i jus checked the code and the Riku in Riku SE code is Riku(hovercraft)one from xemnas battle
oh thanx for tellin me tht and the problem is everything i jus dont understand the ps2dis. i open ps2dis load KH2fmDUMP in it and all these codes come up i tried using cloudstrifes tutorial http://kh2codes.proboards47.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=ps2&thread=146&page=1#942 but after the search a completely different thing comes up oh and i almost forgot do u have a code for unlimited potion
the game ID for Final mix is 0001
I need help in this code hey Tiagossj3 the code doesnt work wdh me it freezes the game rhgt after i load my save the music is cming but the pic is Black i am using this code the Stupiest code ever 6XXK-MC4Q-WE1FP 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU K2FC-8N2C-Z812U K7JT-H5Z2-B69DP 9849-KM5N-G2TCG R139-TBKA-DFN41 can u help me please
my guess is tht when u give DW Roxas final moveset he can use growth abilities but im not sure as for the rest ill post them later Edit:well mu guess is tht Sora can become DW Sora by giving him Valors moveset i dnt knoe any other way oh and ultimate Roxas makes Roxas Boss very strong almost undefeatable if ur not an expert well in the first one Roxas replaces Sora and he T-stanced when i drived into valor so i had to restart and now im going to try the second one ill edit this post tht if the second one works or not
well maybe u didnt see but thts a glitch when Roxas boss is using his light ball attack u have to use the RC then and then ull get his keyblade and Roxas boss will still have his keyblade as for the Roxas DW wth final movset here it is: Roxas has Final Form Moveset (recomended to remove all Combo Plus and equip Negative Combo) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000E 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D348C 0803E400 and as for DW Roxas to use RC here it is(if it doesnt work normally press R2 and change maps) DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (some of them still dont' appear tho) D034D45C 0000FDFF 01C9F62F 00000001 Edit:hey evilman whts the code for the shiny keyblades tht u have shown us in this vid
i will edit this post after i test this and whts the difference between the first Drive into whoever and the second
Here it is: Anti replaces Master form 11CE0B76 00000059
Riku weilding Mickeys Keyblade 11CD4B04 00000074 dead heart i still cant understand the ps2dis thing hey Tiagossj3 the code doesnt work wdh me it freezes the game rhgt after i load my save the music is cming but the pic is Black i am using this code the Stupiest code ever 6XXK-MC4Q-WE1FP 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU K2FC-8N2C-Z812U K7JT-H5Z2-B69DP 9849-KM5N-G2TCG R139-TBKA-DFN41 can u help me please Oh and these r all the codes i have gathered frm previous thred till this thread ill post this to help u guys out Spoiler Code: Codes For KH2FM V8 Codes ----Credits to Erkz, Antiweapon, EvilMan_89 (Bloodyjab), khkid1212, Godshin, Skiller, and Mutuki for the codes Final Mix+ version of codes (Japanese) when instructed to press R2, press it and then change maps for example like going from Crystal Fissure to The Great Maw. Master Code NX48-W7RR-T0HJX 27GU-U0P4-BC8FZ Infinite Health 67WA-5XJ3-5PAPF 6JNR-63EU-XQNRR F961-FUEK-JPGYX RNUU-VUZ3-MAN4Z KK03-W2JP-ZCV8W Super Speed (normal Sora only) K6K5-DZXN-A05J7 4C4E-QATE-0TZB3 Infinity Jump G3CG-5844-D7WV5 XX4E-4WK9-9VNV5 (it gets glitchy in Drive Forms so....you shouldn't use Drive Forms during the code) Sora weilds Xaldin's Lances(replaces Ultima Weapon) K7D2-YGHH-39D5Y HYBB-AZP0-1PT26 Sora wields Way to the Dawn 2NZJ-C88P-PMCFU A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN CZQH-VDCR-6VXR3 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Press R2 and change maps to play as Regular Sora in Limit Form costume RNX6-WF83-R7WHZ 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU 0R4F-UW45-UUHTG ARB1-91F8-5YK6G Dual Weilding Limit Form(Fenrir is the second keyblade) ECEC-CR64-U5R7T X08N-8WWV-MFJX4 3/4 Sora Fix (to have more than 1 main character) GZEE-K79C-8WDWA QVCU-Y028-TQ220 Play as 3 Wisdom Soras VPY3-8KG2-5KR3Q R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK FPZB-2W09-7T2QV Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos) XBQC-T9EA-0K8TC A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 4XND-MT58-G28ET 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Wisdom Form's left hand keyblade is Oathkeeper 8DVK-4QTY-7GARZ 2VWB-PYHK-Q2CN2 Oathkeeper is replaced by 1.Mickey's golden keyblade NG35-MZ32-5KDM9 TMPF-2KCK-P5T5B 2.Way To The Dawn JB7K-R6CU-GZUUV 8376-WM05-7FA8G 3.Xaldins Spears, Unequip Explosion and other extra finishers HPNQ-4H9M-KQ9UK FZ6W-5FXW-208A2 Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members AGKC-XNWK-YUX4D UW03-8MTJ-7P6BW Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 3PN2-CCVH-5MQ8A 4NCY-0Z30-JTXWD Full Party J0X6-2B83-XJ20Q R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N Valor form is Tron version (press R2) 0UA6-45J5-JYDHD 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU J8G5-ND6A-E498Z A1J1-816M-CP8WN Wisdom Form is Tron version (press R2) P07Z-Q3DG-TPE2D 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU JKZX-XEXC-6BYWT YFH6-0154-FMKGM Master Form is tron Version (Press R2) 4VZR-VF3W-A1PD6 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU HX95-C6AR-BHZMM DK1J-6A2M-QGAEQ Final Form is Tron version (Press R2) 3GCP-UN7E-B0F3B 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU W46R-6ZD3-KJM4Y D67Z-9VH5-3VGTT Press R3 (right analog stick) to set Master Form to be Reaction Command BGNM-TC4H-4ZED8 2Z84-AG2M-8X1X9 144B-Z6FH-A3A9E PKX6-DDE1-6C006 BNAK-GPQD-W4X60 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Anti Form Jokered to L2 N1M2-K1UG-Y1PAB PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE TM0U-33TR-PCQZD Anti Form Second Keyblade Oath Keeper RAW 1032EF3C 0000002A ARMAX MH5A-1J0T-93EEC F67Q-207V-A75K8 Anti Form Use Reaction Commands(replaces wisdom from) QN94-DHTE-14WGT YUX2-FTUN-VKYCM Jokerd Ver Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games) R2 Stop TIme L2 Time will Flow JWME-82C2-M7AX6 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU GWCZ-CPCJ-JFE9Z PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE 7JK1-FAGY-VQKV2 Play as Roxas M973-Z9H3-FRDNR AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ Play as Dual Wield Roxas 40T9-EF1J-JRMTD 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F Drive into DW Roxas replaces Valor Form UV12-28FC-TWAGR AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ 0Q6V-528M-QWBM0 BNEA-QEJZ-X6FCK 9MTE-Q7GU-AB15D NX07-DA31-NJE3H DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (some of them still dont' appear tho) 5GVB-2CDX-XCNR2 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU GUJ8-274X-JJ8TA Roxas can perform Reaction Commands 95ZB-8DC7-GZWQQ YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 8NZ7-K6QT-Y7ANX Roxas has Final Form Moveset (recomended to remove all Combo Plus and equip Negative Combo) 94NK-N3ZP-A0VZB A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF J6BQ-FT7B-CDQEY 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Roxas Left Hand Weapon Mod 10341164 0000???? Digits(Real): 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 0180 = Struggle Hammer 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 01F5 = Struggle Weapon Digits(Dummy's): 0769 - Starseeker 0317 - Way to the dawn 0069 - Oblivion 0074 - Darkside 023D - Kingdom Key 023E - Oathkeeper 0769 - Starseeker 076A - Hidden Dragon 076B - Hero's Crest 076C - Monochrome 076E - Follow The Wind 076F - Photon Debugger 0770 - Gullwing 0771 - Rumbling Rose 0772 - Guardian Soul 0773 - Wishes Lamp 0774 - Decisive Pumpkin 0775 - Sleeping Lion 0776 - Sweet Memories 0777 - Mysterious Abyss 0778 - Fatal Crest 0779 - Bond Of Flame 077A - Fenrir 077B - Ultima Weapon 02C0 - Auron's Weapon 0842 - Saix's Weapon 0845 - Xaldin's Lances 0846 - Axel's Weapon 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade Play As Halloween Town Sora 5WXZ-K2DU-6HDYP 0WMY-17HM-PFP51 Roxas (boss) is an ally 8CT3-Z090-BQ3FQ FRQK-AWUP-XVEUX Roxas(boss) replaces Donald(Press R2) 52PV-JR21-HX7XG YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU YK3Q-Z1KD-112DG Roxas(boss) replaces Goofy(Press L2) PUQY-6810-PHK5H PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE VMZK-043W-X8YZY Terra is an ally J5BX-K30N-DT78E 55KR-RARY-NWX9P Terra Replaces Donald(press R2) JBB0-JFUG-1Y5MD YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU Z5CD-R7Y5-GU66B Terra Replaces Goofy(Press L2) Y9DX-EUZB-61HQX PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE YEV9-YQ5X-T9KHZ Pete Replaces Terra QCPC-QDZ9-XA3M1 EUJG-B59W-0DEV7 Donal is replaced by Aqua's Armor (Press L2) W0PK-YCW0-YZV9G PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE 7ZY7-0R7A-QPNBZ Goofy is replaced by Aqua's Armor (Press R2) N4FC-0UXV-V7X11 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU QHNG-0PWM-WJYRD Sora Can Summon When Alone PUKW-37Q5-3J1YA B74F-W03Y-HWX23 Eternal Session(just activeate the limit and hold L1 and press O, X, square, and triagnle) 154C-V0Q8-RQ2RV 61W1-220P-4YNXY 33YP-MU6D-G1Q23 59UE-8QW2-8CU75 4TNG-V9AT-B36MJ Triangle is darkcannon Square is XIII blades Cross is master hearts Circle is last saber Party of Mickey and Riku T323-K79V-FVT0B R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK NRPD-R0D7-X9YGX Mickey wields Starseeker QRC1-1GU8-YWKGR RUEK-P0DN-U4FVJ Mickey Weilds Way To The Dawn HF3N-V07K-25UBH 1M7E-KQZV-9DWR1 Mickey wields Xaldin's lances (Press R2) MRJW-KMTZ-G4BKJ YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 1QD7-W8F1-T9ZRQ Riku Weilds Mickey's Keyblade E94B-ABBR-F736V 5D23-1R1K-72NNU Riku wields Oblivion (Press R2) TRQB-XDFN-V7GCF YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 539N-UMZ9-A3A08 Play as Mickey(Hooded)(jokered to R2) K9V3-FTFT-51WKH YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU CDG8-EU18-A1MPP Play as Mickey(Unhooded)(Jokered to L2) 8060-3QG8-ACGZW PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE R6K4-U4FJ-04YJZ Mickey has Final form moveset 22AP-71EC-5C7G5 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF N7MW-WT58-FZ8P8 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Mickey replaces Donald(Press R2) NFBW-0XKN-Q37AC YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU VPZT-5M3M-CWGW6 Mickey replaces Goofy(Press L2) DBG9-G7YE-CDUWZ PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE P4JZ-GZCY-3419K Hooded Mickey Replaces Donald 6F8G-1WJK-W02A7 EM7F-U33E-UK4E6 Hooded Mickey Replaces Goofy F2JP-ZEVT-TKZWE F90J-5MG7-1X6CE Play as Mickey Alone QMZC-97DN-0C61W R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK 21AZ-AYW3-4Q78T Riku in Party 4D2R-REY5-E59WJ R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK EGQH-T63T-ZWBKC Uninvincible Riku(Use the Circle shortcut on the samurai, must be refreshed for each room(Jokered to R3): NGME-EEEG-Y474M MKYU-MJQJ-KDBG0 HTV0-5B61-PCAM5 RVRY-2JFR-C027N Riku Code: Special Edition(Works best in HB/RG) HVB2-HA8H-MPXTB 27MD-9N86-51VN2 DRH5-YQ6G-G1590 GMBF-1A6P-8BG31 DQFD-68HR-VFHN6 755W-1PG3-64RJM CWC3-AV31-9DCNR XVHR-PY55-NVGVG RPA2-JZ9T-8EW54 DW Riku 5R1Y-KEJ4-4K1UR D7A5-HUX7-T6310 VB8T-3WBQ-AJ667 VH7K-Y54M-73FMA 3J35-PP9V-JEZ1D 72AG-KK2Q-X85A8 25PD-0BM7-AFN88 6RMP-KXFJ-1ED2X VHV8-V921-891VK XV0H-HARE-UHU5D G6R8-UYTV-TDUM4 NUAX-Y8V1-7VY32 Play as Riku [Final Mix Version] A4GP-QT4V-M3G9R 27MD-9N86-51VN2 DRH5-YQ6G-G1590 GMBF-1A6P-8BG31 DQFD-68HR-VFHN6 TYMZ-HGP3-RJNYU 755W-1PG3-64RJM VJ57-1HG5-D4MJZ GT54-YYFC-24BYX GZFD-4CY1-QMZJC CWC3-AV31-9DCNR RPA2-JZ9T-8EW54 Riku With Final Moveset GT4U-J08F-ND1JR A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF NAWT-WKKX-GJAY7 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Glide(Press R2) T71W-NF2W-M7FCY YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU EKXG-QWP4-WVK60 Aerial Dodge(Press R2) P1HA-GT8W-DAWHX YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU E9BU-72UR-GYBZB Riku Weapon Mod 11CD4B04 0000???? digits: 08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher) 0067 = Kingdom Key 0068 = Oathkeeper 0069 = Oblivion 0074 = Darkside 0769 = Star Seeker 0317 = Way to The Dawn 076A = Hidden Dragon 076B = Hero's Crest 076C = Monochrome 076E = Follow The Wind 076F = Photon Debugger 0770 = Gullwing 0771 = Rumbling Rose 0772 = Guardian Soul 0773 = Wishing Lamp 0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin 0775 = Sleeping Lion 0776 = Sweet Memory 0777 = Mysterious Abyss 0778 = Fatal Crest 0779 = Bond Of Flame 077A = Fenrir 077B = Ultima weapon 0845 = Xaldin Spear's 0846 = Axel Weapon 0842 = Saïx'- Sword 0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow 02C0 = Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon) 1000 Heartless battle (R2) J1BM-AHT2-PAEEU CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ JXRA-J1QF-PUXCU 6MA2-K4CJ-60N6J AHTX-4RWF-C7R47 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Sephiroth Battle (L2) 65G1-ZQMU-KVHQD 817H-V2P1-GK875 PMU7-H8M0-VJJKB 857M-T8GK-T0V4C P3YU-5TNW-0WGK6 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Super magic drive form(Jokered to R2) WGMV-8ERC-W4EME CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ U9JD-J1GK-7CV8N U4EK-75PN-DRXW7 XFEB-YD7Z-F6UYF 038H-9FX7-CTMZY DF26-BD3E-HQ5DV UMY3-MX6K-FJCND Y59B-W6GR-HF66P HVZN-9Q2C-D5ED5 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 C4PY-G227-4BP01 TVKC-4NV4-XMWU4 Press R2 to go to "Where nothing Gathers" N28Z-9BQX-MPJ1T YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU CBCX-Z7TG-PNGPU Press R2 while changing maps to go to Room of Sleep D085-38WA-KXAT6 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU W63A-TZXK-W8CW1 Press R2 to go to "The Empty Realm" RR63-43C9-4K3NX YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 1P96-BUPP-1A2HF Press R2 to go to "Roxas's Room" UWDJ-5HHA-RU215 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU DC0K-YY5F-EA0CK Mickey Code - Special Edition G6V0-7F7B-CFRBZ R6K4-U4FJ-04YJZ DMBV-RNEY-MTR0N 9UPB-VV0C-H3WEZ UR17-WZA7-2W977 72AG-KK2Q-X85A8 EJPV-3JU2-GA48W KZBF-Q6PN-E6ENX H4CU-5G9F-WJ900 51N0-MEYJ-WN5E5 YT1F-W7GP-W6XA1 ZRR1-EDT9-90A2F Regular Roxas - Special Edition 4X72-AUDZ-PBKJ8 AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ QQR8-4Z66-KYXK8 WGFC-Z4UK-8FAGC JEU8-CH78-7FPE0 72AG-KK2Q-X85A8 NC3K-7FZV-Z9G7U PXXN-1TE9-PCNKC M59A-KVGY-4C1U4 Q3CE-H807-3GWG3 1YPF-GXF3-C75WU 24CJ-FWHR-JQE2B T7FX-AFGN-FAXR5 Circle is Facedown Reaction Command in Shortcut Menu W963-W7AT-AVK89 W0Q4-UDJ2-FVFHW "The End" is on circle in the shortcut Mod 288K-52Q1-DVC3G 8FBY-3FZR-NBMV2 Press R2 to replace pence and NPC donald with Auron and Riku HT6Q-XD88-Z97KN 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU 0ZT7-ER32-W9DQP X678-DWQY-QCT8R Bosses are super powered (including the ones that replace Donald) Press R2 C2BJ-D7NR-MQZ2E CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ ZEJU-Y9ZD-2JFZ7 YE9W-2T5K-GNEBG BHXQ-E4M1-5PCGY VM66-3QHY-ZPVV5 4GUX-08U5-6V71W 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 ONCE YOU BEAT KHIIFM+ go to the theater and watch the fight of sora against roxas with these codes on kingdom key replaced by WTTD E5QJ-XCT3-6Y4XG FJQK-Z0WZ-KF9RP JJG9-2JD6-R7VMV oblivion replave by darkside kingdom key MJ1J-WYGA-R5BEK G1W7-FWTA-15YT0 RY5C-RFH8-PEQ6T QVK6-211E-U7VWJ oathkeeper replaced by darkside key 5D9V-V991-HA6Q5 X8V5-F277-0G2WD C7XZ-8HCH-54EEX XFX9-JPBV-HZMZ9 -------------------------- repalce all nobodies with neoshadows (HOLD R2) e020fdff 0034d45c 21c99094 00303234..........sorcerer 21c990b4 2e303234 21c990f4 00303234..........creeper 21c99114 2e303234 21c98eb4 00303234..........sniper 21c98ed4 2e303234 21c98e54 00303234..........samurai 21c98e74 2e303234 21c98df4 00303234..........assassin 21c98e14 2e303234 21c98f14 00303234..........dancer 21c98f34 2e303234 21c99154 00303234..........dusk 21c99174 2e303234 21c98f74 00303234..........berserker 21c98f94 2e303234 21c98fd4 00303234..........gambler 21c98ff4 2e303234 21c98d94 00303234..........dragoon 21c98db4 2e303234 use this in twtnw in memories skycrapper to replace with demyx (thanks 00roxas00) 4UVV-HDAM-KVYNE YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 04MN-1F9A-J928E ------- NEEDS TESTING everything past here needs testing but im almost 70% sure they should work, if they dont try jokering (use this with the one for demyx above) water = neoshadows (jokered to L2 E004FEFF 0034D45C 51c96270 00000020 01cbfc70 00000000 51c96290 00000020 01cbfc90 00000000 also use this and try to kill the boss without finisher (dont use in the boss match in area where you cant leave mannualy) aka replace party mem. with the boss CN2K-ZNYZ-NDVWG ..........final xemnas(data) GT9H-K8PR-PD4QF VF9K-CKNW-XQFV9 ..........demyx(data) 996Y-VT2U-BC5FH 27NX-GCKA-TDRNA ........larxene QFHN-1BNX-8E1RE 1N1J-8WH4-W2F5R ..........marluxia 012B-M2CG-GCMVX 2Y1B-DXGK-90DZ3 ........lexaeus GDCP-TBN2-AGDAD 9Y84-D29Z-TX7M8 ..........axel(data) 79Q4-KUG9-GKBMJ THIS SHOULD MAKE ALL THESE ENEMIES ONLY DIE BY FINISHER AND RESPAWN 21c98dec 00000003 -ASSASSIN 21c9914c 00000003 -DUSK 21c990ec 00000003 -CREEPER 21c98eac 00000003 -SNIPER 21c98f0c 00000003 -DANCER 21c98f6c 00000003 -BERSERKER 21c9908c 00000003 -SORCEER 21c98d8c 00000003 -DRAGOON 21c98fcc 00000003 -GAMBLER Hp Very Long Bar(255) 1YHR-K829-PR11Z D5VD-933B-Z9J3C A Double bar Of MP(255) 1128-93XJ-HC7EA RFDA-UEVV-1A4EH All Boses are Ally T31T-56GB-6MURC RN7U-7G7G-9RY6D Limit Cut Xemnas replaces Donald QEY9-3E8X-YAVW9 V04M-3MAF-RTGB0 Cloud replaces Donald 2652-K94D-KXJNE HX2Q-1MNT-31JNR Saix is an ally F92V-51Y6-ZU885 7XNK-NMAF-66DNR
Codes For KH2FM V8 Codes ----Credits to Erkz, Antiweapon, EvilMan_89 (Bloodyjab), khkid1212, Godshin, Skiller, and Mutuki for the codes Final Mix+ version of codes (Japanese) when instructed to press R2, press it and then change maps for example like going from Crystal Fissure to The Great Maw. Master Code NX48-W7RR-T0HJX 27GU-U0P4-BC8FZ Infinite Health 67WA-5XJ3-5PAPF 6JNR-63EU-XQNRR F961-FUEK-JPGYX RNUU-VUZ3-MAN4Z KK03-W2JP-ZCV8W Super Speed (normal Sora only) K6K5-DZXN-A05J7 4C4E-QATE-0TZB3 Infinity Jump G3CG-5844-D7WV5 XX4E-4WK9-9VNV5 (it gets glitchy in Drive Forms so....you shouldn't use Drive Forms during the code) Sora weilds Xaldin's Lances(replaces Ultima Weapon) K7D2-YGHH-39D5Y HYBB-AZP0-1PT26 Sora wields Way to the Dawn 2NZJ-C88P-PMCFU A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN CZQH-VDCR-6VXR3 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Press R2 and change maps to play as Regular Sora in Limit Form costume RNX6-WF83-R7WHZ 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU 0R4F-UW45-UUHTG ARB1-91F8-5YK6G Dual Weilding Limit Form(Fenrir is the second keyblade) ECEC-CR64-U5R7T X08N-8WWV-MFJX4 3/4 Sora Fix (to have more than 1 main character) GZEE-K79C-8WDWA QVCU-Y028-TQ220 Play as 3 Wisdom Soras VPY3-8KG2-5KR3Q R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK FPZB-2W09-7T2QV Wisdom Form dual wields (recommended to remove all combo pluses and to equip negative combos) XBQC-T9EA-0K8TC A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 4XND-MT58-G28ET 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Wisdom Form's left hand keyblade is Oathkeeper 8DVK-4QTY-7GARZ 2VWB-PYHK-Q2CN2 Oathkeeper is replaced by 1.Mickey's golden keyblade NG35-MZ32-5KDM9 TMPF-2KCK-P5T5B 2.Way To The Dawn JB7K-R6CU-GZUUV 8376-WM05-7FA8G 3.Xaldins Spears, Unequip Explosion and other extra finishers HPNQ-4H9M-KQ9UK FZ6W-5FXW-208A2 Use All Acquired Drive Forms Even Without Party Members AGKC-XNWK-YUX4D UW03-8MTJ-7P6BW Party Members Don't Disappear When Using Drive Forms 3PN2-CCVH-5MQ8A 4NCY-0Z30-JTXWD Full Party J0X6-2B83-XJ20Q R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK TRYP-XTHZ-ATG4N Valor form is Tron version (press R2) 0UA6-45J5-JYDHD 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU J8G5-ND6A-E498Z A1J1-816M-CP8WN Wisdom Form is Tron version (press R2) P07Z-Q3DG-TPE2D 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU JKZX-XEXC-6BYWT YFH6-0154-FMKGM Master Form is tron Version (Press R2) 4VZR-VF3W-A1PD6 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU HX95-C6AR-BHZMM DK1J-6A2M-QGAEQ Final Form is Tron version (Press R2) 3GCP-UN7E-B0F3B 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU W46R-6ZD3-KJM4Y D67Z-9VH5-3VGTT Press R3 (right analog stick) to set Master Form to be Reaction Command BGNM-TC4H-4ZED8 2Z84-AG2M-8X1X9 144B-Z6FH-A3A9E PKX6-DDE1-6C006 BNAK-GPQD-W4X60 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Anti Form Jokered to L2 N1M2-K1UG-Y1PAB PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE TM0U-33TR-PCQZD Anti Form Second Keyblade Oath Keeper RAW 1032EF3C 0000002A ARMAX MH5A-1J0T-93EEC F67Q-207V-A75K8 Anti Form Use Reaction Commands(replaces wisdom from) QN94-DHTE-14WGT YUX2-FTUN-VKYCM Jokerd Ver Time Stop mod (Works For all mini games) R2 Stop TIme L2 Time will Flow JWME-82C2-M7AX6 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU GWCZ-CPCJ-JFE9Z PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE 7JK1-FAGY-VQKV2 Play as Roxas M973-Z9H3-FRDNR AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ Play as Dual Wield Roxas 40T9-EF1J-JRMTD 6P4E-BHVW-V2F5F Drive into DW Roxas replaces Valor Form UV12-28FC-TWAGR AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ 0Q6V-528M-QWBM0 BNEA-QEJZ-X6FCK 9MTE-Q7GU-AB15D NX07-DA31-NJE3H DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands (some of them still dont' appear tho) 5GVB-2CDX-XCNR2 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU GUJ8-274X-JJ8TA Roxas can perform Reaction Commands 95ZB-8DC7-GZWQQ YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 8NZ7-K6QT-Y7ANX Roxas has Final Form Moveset (recomended to remove all Combo Plus and equip Negative Combo) 94NK-N3ZP-A0VZB A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF J6BQ-FT7B-CDQEY 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Roxas Left Hand Weapon Mod 10341164 0000???? Digits(Real): 0029 = Kingdom Key 002A = Oathkeeper 002B = Oblivion 0180 = Struggle Hammer 01E0 = Star Seeker 01E1 = Hidden Dragon 01E4 = Hero's Crest 01E5 = Monochrome 01E6 = Follow the Wind 01E7 = Circle of Life 01E8 = Photon Debugger 01E9 = Gull Wing 01EA = Rumbling Rose 01EB = Guardian Soul 01EC = Three Wishes 01ED = Decisive Pumpkin 01EE = Sleeping Lion 01EF = Sweet Memories 01F0 = Mysterious Abyss 01F1 = Fatal Crest 01F2 = Bond of Flame 01F3 = Fenrir 01F4 = Ultima Weapon 01F5 = Struggle Weapon Digits(Dummy's): 0769 - Starseeker 0317 - Way to the dawn 0069 - Oblivion 0074 - Darkside 023D - Kingdom Key 023E - Oathkeeper 0769 - Starseeker 076A - Hidden Dragon 076B - Hero's Crest 076C - Monochrome 076E - Follow The Wind 076F - Photon Debugger 0770 - Gullwing 0771 - Rumbling Rose 0772 - Guardian Soul 0773 - Wishes Lamp 0774 - Decisive Pumpkin 0775 - Sleeping Lion 0776 - Sweet Memories 0777 - Mysterious Abyss 0778 - Fatal Crest 0779 - Bond Of Flame 077A - Fenrir 077B - Ultima Weapon 02C0 - Auron's Weapon 0842 - Saix's Weapon 0845 - Xaldin's Lances 0846 - Axel's Weapon 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade Play As Halloween Town Sora 5WXZ-K2DU-6HDYP 0WMY-17HM-PFP51 Roxas (boss) is an ally 8CT3-Z090-BQ3FQ FRQK-AWUP-XVEUX Roxas(boss) replaces Donald(Press R2) 52PV-JR21-HX7XG YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU YK3Q-Z1KD-112DG Roxas(boss) replaces Goofy(Press L2) PUQY-6810-PHK5H PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE VMZK-043W-X8YZY Terra is an ally J5BX-K30N-DT78E 55KR-RARY-NWX9P Terra Replaces Donald(press R2) JBB0-JFUG-1Y5MD YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU Z5CD-R7Y5-GU66B Terra Replaces Goofy(Press L2) Y9DX-EUZB-61HQX PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE YEV9-YQ5X-T9KHZ Pete Replaces Terra QCPC-QDZ9-XA3M1 EUJG-B59W-0DEV7 Donal is replaced by Aqua's Armor (Press L2) W0PK-YCW0-YZV9G PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE 7ZY7-0R7A-QPNBZ Goofy is replaced by Aqua's Armor (Press R2) N4FC-0UXV-V7X11 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU QHNG-0PWM-WJYRD Sora Can Summon When Alone PUKW-37Q5-3J1YA B74F-W03Y-HWX23 Eternal Session(just activeate the limit and hold L1 and press O, X, square, and triagnle) 154C-V0Q8-RQ2RV 61W1-220P-4YNXY 33YP-MU6D-G1Q23 59UE-8QW2-8CU75 4TNG-V9AT-B36MJ Triangle is darkcannon Square is XIII blades Cross is master hearts Circle is last saber Party of Mickey and Riku T323-K79V-FVT0B R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK NRPD-R0D7-X9YGX Mickey wields Starseeker QRC1-1GU8-YWKGR RUEK-P0DN-U4FVJ Mickey Weilds Way To The Dawn HF3N-V07K-25UBH 1M7E-KQZV-9DWR1 Mickey wields Xaldin's lances (Press R2) MRJW-KMTZ-G4BKJ YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 1QD7-W8F1-T9ZRQ Riku Weilds Mickey's Keyblade E94B-ABBR-F736V 5D23-1R1K-72NNU Riku wields Oblivion (Press R2) TRQB-XDFN-V7GCF YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 539N-UMZ9-A3A08 Play as Mickey(Hooded)(jokered to R2) K9V3-FTFT-51WKH YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU CDG8-EU18-A1MPP Play as Mickey(Unhooded)(Jokered to L2) 8060-3QG8-ACGZW PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE R6K4-U4FJ-04YJZ Mickey has Final form moveset 22AP-71EC-5C7G5 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF N7MW-WT58-FZ8P8 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Mickey replaces Donald(Press R2) NFBW-0XKN-Q37AC YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU VPZT-5M3M-CWGW6 Mickey replaces Goofy(Press L2) DBG9-G7YE-CDUWZ PWHB-FR7C-HT7WE P4JZ-GZCY-3419K Hooded Mickey Replaces Donald 6F8G-1WJK-W02A7 EM7F-U33E-UK4E6 Hooded Mickey Replaces Goofy F2JP-ZEVT-TKZWE F90J-5MG7-1X6CE Play as Mickey Alone QMZC-97DN-0C61W R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK 21AZ-AYW3-4Q78T Riku in Party 4D2R-REY5-E59WJ R70Q-1NW1-4BMMK EGQH-T63T-ZWBKC Uninvincible Riku(Use the Circle shortcut on the samurai, must be refreshed for each room(Jokered to R3): NGME-EEEG-Y474M MKYU-MJQJ-KDBG0 HTV0-5B61-PCAM5 RVRY-2JFR-C027N Riku Code: Special Edition(Works best in HB/RG) HVB2-HA8H-MPXTB 27MD-9N86-51VN2 DRH5-YQ6G-G1590 GMBF-1A6P-8BG31 DQFD-68HR-VFHN6 755W-1PG3-64RJM CWC3-AV31-9DCNR XVHR-PY55-NVGVG RPA2-JZ9T-8EW54 DW Riku 5R1Y-KEJ4-4K1UR D7A5-HUX7-T6310 VB8T-3WBQ-AJ667 VH7K-Y54M-73FMA 3J35-PP9V-JEZ1D 72AG-KK2Q-X85A8 25PD-0BM7-AFN88 6RMP-KXFJ-1ED2X VHV8-V921-891VK XV0H-HARE-UHU5D G6R8-UYTV-TDUM4 NUAX-Y8V1-7VY32 Play as Riku [Final Mix Version] A4GP-QT4V-M3G9R 27MD-9N86-51VN2 DRH5-YQ6G-G1590 GMBF-1A6P-8BG31 DQFD-68HR-VFHN6 TYMZ-HGP3-RJNYU 755W-1PG3-64RJM VJ57-1HG5-D4MJZ GT54-YYFC-24BYX GZFD-4CY1-QMZJC CWC3-AV31-9DCNR RPA2-JZ9T-8EW54 Riku With Final Moveset GT4U-J08F-ND1JR A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF NAWT-WKKX-GJAY7 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V Glide(Press R2) T71W-NF2W-M7FCY YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU EKXG-QWP4-WVK60 Aerial Dodge(Press R2) P1HA-GT8W-DAWHX YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU E9BU-72UR-GYBZB Riku Weapon Mod 11CD4B04 0000???? digits: 08BD = Kairi's Keyblade(Don't Do Ground Finisher) 0067 = Kingdom Key 0068 = Oathkeeper 0069 = Oblivion 0074 = Darkside 0769 = Star Seeker 0317 = Way to The Dawn 076A = Hidden Dragon 076B = Hero's Crest 076C = Monochrome 076E = Follow The Wind 076F = Photon Debugger 0770 = Gullwing 0771 = Rumbling Rose 0772 = Guardian Soul 0773 = Wishing Lamp 0774 = Dicisive Pumpkin 0775 = Sleeping Lion 0776 = Sweet Memory 0777 = Mysterious Abyss 0778 = Fatal Crest 0779 = Bond Of Flame 077A = Fenrir 077B = Ultima weapon 0845 = Xaldin Spear's 0846 = Axel Weapon 0842 = Saïx'- Sword 0843 = Xigbar's Gun Arrow 02C0 = Battle Companion (Auron's Weapon) 1000 Heartless battle (R2) J1BM-AHT2-PAEEU CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ JXRA-J1QF-PUXCU 6MA2-K4CJ-60N6J AHTX-4RWF-C7R47 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Sephiroth Battle (L2) 65G1-ZQMU-KVHQD 817H-V2P1-GK875 PMU7-H8M0-VJJKB 857M-T8GK-T0V4C P3YU-5TNW-0WGK6 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Super magic drive form(Jokered to R2) WGMV-8ERC-W4EME CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ U9JD-J1GK-7CV8N U4EK-75PN-DRXW7 XFEB-YD7Z-F6UYF 038H-9FX7-CTMZY DF26-BD3E-HQ5DV UMY3-MX6K-FJCND Y59B-W6GR-HF66P HVZN-9Q2C-D5ED5 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 C4PY-G227-4BP01 TVKC-4NV4-XMWU4 Press R2 to go to "Where nothing Gathers" N28Z-9BQX-MPJ1T YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU CBCX-Z7TG-PNGPU Press R2 while changing maps to go to Room of Sleep D085-38WA-KXAT6 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU W63A-TZXK-W8CW1 Press R2 to go to "The Empty Realm" RR63-43C9-4K3NX YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 1P96-BUPP-1A2HF Press R2 to go to "Roxas's Room" UWDJ-5HHA-RU215 YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU DC0K-YY5F-EA0CK Mickey Code - Special Edition G6V0-7F7B-CFRBZ R6K4-U4FJ-04YJZ DMBV-RNEY-MTR0N 9UPB-VV0C-H3WEZ UR17-WZA7-2W977 72AG-KK2Q-X85A8 EJPV-3JU2-GA48W KZBF-Q6PN-E6ENX H4CU-5G9F-WJ900 51N0-MEYJ-WN5E5 YT1F-W7GP-W6XA1 ZRR1-EDT9-90A2F Regular Roxas - Special Edition 4X72-AUDZ-PBKJ8 AG40-KENM-ZE7XQ QQR8-4Z66-KYXK8 WGFC-Z4UK-8FAGC JEU8-CH78-7FPE0 72AG-KK2Q-X85A8 NC3K-7FZV-Z9G7U PXXN-1TE9-PCNKC M59A-KVGY-4C1U4 Q3CE-H807-3GWG3 1YPF-GXF3-C75WU 24CJ-FWHR-JQE2B T7FX-AFGN-FAXR5 Circle is Facedown Reaction Command in Shortcut Menu W963-W7AT-AVK89 W0Q4-UDJ2-FVFHW "The End" is on circle in the shortcut Mod 288K-52Q1-DVC3G 8FBY-3FZR-NBMV2 Press R2 to replace pence and NPC donald with Auron and Riku HT6Q-XD88-Z97KN 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU 0ZT7-ER32-W9DQP X678-DWQY-QCT8R Bosses are super powered (including the ones that replace Donald) Press R2 C2BJ-D7NR-MQZ2E CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ ZEJU-Y9ZD-2JFZ7 YE9W-2T5K-GNEBG BHXQ-E4M1-5PCGY VM66-3QHY-ZPVV5 4GUX-08U5-6V71W 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 ONCE YOU BEAT KHIIFM+ go to the theater and watch the fight of sora against roxas with these codes on kingdom key replaced by WTTD E5QJ-XCT3-6Y4XG FJQK-Z0WZ-KF9RP JJG9-2JD6-R7VMV oblivion replave by darkside kingdom key MJ1J-WYGA-R5BEK G1W7-FWTA-15YT0 RY5C-RFH8-PEQ6T QVK6-211E-U7VWJ oathkeeper replaced by darkside key 5D9V-V991-HA6Q5 X8V5-F277-0G2WD C7XZ-8HCH-54EEX XFX9-JPBV-HZMZ9 -------------------------- repalce all nobodies with neoshadows (HOLD R2) e020fdff 0034d45c 21c99094 00303234..........sorcerer 21c990b4 2e303234 21c990f4 00303234..........creeper 21c99114 2e303234 21c98eb4 00303234..........sniper 21c98ed4 2e303234 21c98e54 00303234..........samurai 21c98e74 2e303234 21c98df4 00303234..........assassin 21c98e14 2e303234 21c98f14 00303234..........dancer 21c98f34 2e303234 21c99154 00303234..........dusk 21c99174 2e303234 21c98f74 00303234..........berserker 21c98f94 2e303234 21c98fd4 00303234..........gambler 21c98ff4 2e303234 21c98d94 00303234..........dragoon 21c98db4 2e303234 use this in twtnw in memories skycrapper to replace with demyx (thanks 00roxas00) 4UVV-HDAM-KVYNE YK7H-ZWGV-20HBU 04MN-1F9A-J928E ------- NEEDS TESTING everything past here needs testing but im almost 70% sure they should work, if they dont try jokering (use this with the one for demyx above) water = neoshadows (jokered to L2 E004FEFF 0034D45C 51c96270 00000020 01cbfc70 00000000 51c96290 00000020 01cbfc90 00000000 also use this and try to kill the boss without finisher (dont use in the boss match in area where you cant leave mannualy) aka replace party mem. with the boss CN2K-ZNYZ-NDVWG ..........final xemnas(data) GT9H-K8PR-PD4QF VF9K-CKNW-XQFV9 ..........demyx(data) 996Y-VT2U-BC5FH 27NX-GCKA-TDRNA ........larxene QFHN-1BNX-8E1RE 1N1J-8WH4-W2F5R ..........marluxia 012B-M2CG-GCMVX 2Y1B-DXGK-90DZ3 ........lexaeus GDCP-TBN2-AGDAD 9Y84-D29Z-TX7M8 ..........axel(data) 79Q4-KUG9-GKBMJ THIS SHOULD MAKE ALL THESE ENEMIES ONLY DIE BY FINISHER AND RESPAWN 21c98dec 00000003 -ASSASSIN 21c9914c 00000003 -DUSK 21c990ec 00000003 -CREEPER 21c98eac 00000003 -SNIPER 21c98f0c 00000003 -DANCER 21c98f6c 00000003 -BERSERKER 21c9908c 00000003 -SORCEER 21c98d8c 00000003 -DRAGOON 21c98fcc 00000003 -GAMBLER Hp Very Long Bar(255) 1YHR-K829-PR11Z D5VD-933B-Z9J3C A Double bar Of MP(255) 1128-93XJ-HC7EA RFDA-UEVV-1A4EH All Boses are Ally T31T-56GB-6MURC RN7U-7G7G-9RY6D Limit Cut Xemnas replaces Donald QEY9-3E8X-YAVW9 V04M-3MAF-RTGB0 Cloud replaces Donald 2652-K94D-KXJNE HX2Q-1MNT-31JNR Saix is an ally F92V-51Y6-ZU885 7XNK-NMAF-66DNR
here it is: Uninvincible Riku(Use the Circle shortcut on the samurai, must be refreshed for each room(Jokered to R3): NGME-EEEG-Y474M MKYU-MJQJ-KDBG0 HTV0-5B61-PCAM5 RVRY-2JFR-C027N in Raw Format: Uninvincible Riku(Use the Circle shortcut on the samurai, must be refreshed for each room(Jokered to R3): E002FFFB 0034D45C 11CE0B6A 00000136 1032F228 0000012D ask dead heart for other codes these r the ones i have thanx to 00Roxas00: KH1 Sora with Green outfit 11CE0B68 000006C1 01CAEC30 0000005F 21CAEC31 5F43504E 21CAEC35 45455247 01CAEC39 0000004E KH1 Sora with Blue outfit 11CE0B68 000006C1 01CAEC30 0000005F 21CAEC31 5F43504E 21CAEC35 45554C42 KH1 Sora with Red outfit 11CE0B68 000006C1 01CAEC30 0000005F 21CAEC31 5F43504E 21CAEC35 00444552 DW Roxas can perform Reaction Commands 01C9F62F 00000001 21CE267C 005600B2 Roxas can perform Reaction Commands 01C9572F 00000001 21CE267C 003F00AC Super magic drive form(Jokered to R2) E008FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000058 21C95698 4647414D 01C956B6 00000003 21C956BC 04000000 21CD5248 58455F57 21CD524C 5F303130 21CD5250 464C5442 21CD5254 00004C5F 01C6C8D0 000000FF 01C6C8D4 000000FF i dont have the other one Edit:who do u want to replace antiform in drive menu into,and of u want antiform in ur drive menu then he wont be able to use RC he has to replace a drive to be able to use RC dead heart i still cant understand the ps2dis thing well heres the list of codes i have for KH2FM http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?ggvirbiczxo hey Tiagossj3 the code doesnt work wdh me it freezes the game rhgt after i load my save the music is cming but the pic is Black i am using this code the Stupiest code ever 6XXK-MC4Q-WE1FP 13M9-82KJ-E3CQU K2FC-8N2C-Z812U K7JT-H5Z2-B69DP 9849-KM5N-G2TCG R139-TBKA-DFN41 can u help me please
oh thanx i think now i understand this code a little.oh wait a minute where did u got demyx moveset from?
so like wht line did u change in this code to make it demyx code in place of xemnas? This is the code: E009FDFF 0034D45C 01C957F0 00000042 01C957F4 00000031 01C957F7 0000005F 11C957F8 00004248 01C95810 00000042 01C95814 00000031 01C95817 0000005F 21C95818 6D2E4248 21C9581C 00746573