i think he means tht v cn control tha camera except controlling Sora dont knw fr sure bt thts my guess
Thnx well u have 2 press and hold tha joker button till u warp to tha battle
Jus fr fun code Soras Keyblade Stuck on his head : Codebreaker: E00FFDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000005 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 11CD4390 00000939 2036C3E8 0016F1A4 21CD52A8 48455F57 21CD52AC 00303030 21CD52B0 00000000 21CD52B4 00000000 21CE2FE4 40000000 21ce267c 003200a3 21cb8c4c 01000000 21cb8c94 00230001 21cb8c9c 0A000000 1032e020 00000029 11cd4b08 00000068 21CD5a48 58455f57 21CD5a4c 5F303130 21CD5a50 425f5852 21CD5a54 5f464c54 01CD5a58 0000004C AR Max: GF8A-2HFR-RCJJ2 CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ 27MD-9N86-51VN2 DRH5-YQ6G-G1590 GMBF-1A6P-8BG31 DQFD-68HR-VFHN6 VEWU-E7PH-RXQJ3 CWC3-AV31-9DCNR XVHR-PY55-NVGVG RPA2-JZ9T-8EW54 H7GX-HQYB-4FUF7 Z7P1-PQ12-7XB7F VUJF-0P6U-N29V8 H79X-KK63-1K3CZ 31CT-79HY-HEX1W GTZC-EZJA-2J8RD MKDT-NYFW-GYF96 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 D7A5-HUX7-T6310 VB8T-3WBQ-AJ667 VH7K-Y54M-73FMA 3J35-PP9V-JEZ1D 72AG-KK2Q-X85A8 25PD-0BM7-AFN88 6RMP-KXFJ-1ED2X VHV8-V921-891VK XV0H-HARE-UHU5D G6R8-UYTV-TDUM4 NUAX-Y8V1-7VY32 And cn sum1 please gve me DW Antiform code
here: R2 Joker Beach [Not Escapable] E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00000003 The Main Road [Not Escapable] E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00000103 Main Island: Shore [Not Escapable] E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00000203 Edit:cn any1 gve me tha code fr DW Anti Form
ok nw c hre well heres tha code to replace donald wdh limit cut xemnas 11CE0B6A 000009CA an nw use this code wdh tha replace donald wdh xemnas code 2 make xemnas attacks hurt tha enemy instead of Sora 01CBFBAC 00000009 oh and cn sum1 gve me tha play as hooded roxas code in AR Max
convertin hmm cn sum1 please convert these codes 2 AR MAx cause i cnt seem to convert it fr sum reasons Enable Code (Must Be On) B4336FA9 4DFEFB79 36CB282F BC2F64BE 50342037 54AF45C9 872FBDA7 8A250617 DF767449 84322371 44DB90AD 0E2A81F6 FF2B00BA 4D5501CC 82538A0E 3905449A 8EBF080D FA1BEEBE 7DFF8B91 EF18CB17 5C6D8A75 E5738605 F814D2CD 3E0B2479 FE4785EC EB8A3D5C 1297C045 63F44C52 8C5C4EEF 7F64177B 9CD4F12C CDB32400 88138510 B3B2D6F4 E6451814 AA88CC72 5151FF13 6DEEF61C 347D8ED8 95F81EAE 00B73430 29BC02EA Buying Items Doesnt Decrease Money F015A781 0CAF4966 967FFA29 ABEAA967 Buying Items Increase Money F015A781 0CAF4966 C2E96024 545ED43E Buy 1 Item For Max Money C4E3DDC4 2B364DFE E6AECBD6 6FBFB416 B339F94D CE3BB447 View Menu For Max Oth E1D270C0 CF7C47BB BEF25818 A8BB8D25 4463C4E3 53FA071C F2B8AB05 46543AAC DF6ABEF8 9061C9C8 4881F146 D30570E5 7D92979F 110C1632 181ED215 C84441C9 DDAFC3CD 9AB43F4B View Menu For Max Current HP 7A56801E 1F92C284 6F069615 E3936768 E5ED2D81 4E445379 F68E1098 668AC685 98A8523D E9FAFCB8 9ABE2F00 CA8729AE 0968CA81 758D7417 59B748ED 2548EECB EC8484E7 484A46B2 619EB40D C76AE44C E3C58B3A BFBC1B2C 1EF90578 BC006877 844AC696 52A4B162 View Menu For Max Overall HP 67E89C77 05151294 6574C16D 5BD61AAE 1470F3BB 789A6D1F FBE14FAC D810DC41 157E2DAB 9A77F7CF 8F4FC0CA 938B6737 B2B9C467 69A09C5B D006898A 913E03AF DC203D7C A1ADA8E7 1F798D4A E2EBEB8B 746218B5 F371989B Infinite HP BE31B724 84B22EAB 764C6E18 F3883912 66978FFC F7FC5172 64019604 CF215D4D A4125850 2C491908 47ED5943 223B6A8C 257F5230 2AE37967 2BEC490A 1683B7CB B4707F2F 0A393074 Gain Max Str Upon Level Up 59A3B099 E146ED7C AF668C1D 24BBE329 Gain Max Int Upon Level Up 59A3B099 E146ED7C 53271070 9EEC5E66 Gain Max Agl Upon Level Up 59A3B099 E146ED7C 1D49D595 30B3A6FF Gain Max Dex Upon Level Up 59A3B099 E146ED7C 1FD20C69 F541CBC4 Gain Max Con Upon Level Up 59A3B099 E146ED7C 663C4B89 20AB0F93 Gain Max Exp After 1 Battle 62803E04 AB6D4FC5 1EC5EDF2 1AFE1761 148B3AED D4F58467 Gain 1000000 Exp Per Battle 62803E04 AB6D4FC5 8DE9B056 6E9E64DB 451E276D C795D8DC Gain 500000 Exp Per Battle 62803E04 AB6D4FC5 2A8CC18E 7E688DC1 193902F8 5EA1AB80 Gain 200000 Exp Per Battle 62803E04 AB6D4FC5 B3D276F4 10CC9B7E 80F78194 78826916 Gain 100000 Exp Per Battle 62803E04 AB6D4FC5 473A3C83 8A882389 649732BA C854931A Gain 50000 Exp Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 891CB6FB AC859EF6 Gain 40000 Exp Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F ABC2D93F 4FAEC36D Gain 30000 Exp Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 222301C5 6FF104C3 Gain 20000 Exp Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 633D966E D3F1089D Gain 10000 Exp Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 5C537DC5 90F98617 Gain 5000 Exp Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F CDDB3393 DA418168 Gain 50000 Oth Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F D4221AC0 D0BB7925 Gain 40000 Oth Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F D619CEEC 684A75F7 Gain 30000 Oth Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 37645D1C C9D49F9B Gain 20000 Oth Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 7646B373 9D4C7688 Gain 10000 Oth Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 2B513BE6 E53CBA74 Gain 5000 Oth Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 365B094A 33D1F82B Gain 50000 Crystals Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 475281D8 E11C1472 Gain 40000 Crystals Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F DBB8B6F8 09BC9842 Gain 30000 Crystals Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 631519F5 98BB5DE3 Gain 20000 Crystals Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F EE78E498 1D7C3054 Gain 10000 Crystals Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F F634C89E 6F0B6347 Gain 5000 Crystals Per Battle FCA2064E 9762E32F 9515F9B8 3B13AC79
hey JL cn u tell me tha game id of valkyrie profile 2 silmeria
anyway 00roxas00 wht does tha code do??
lol thts cool
thnx an yea i alredy knw tht this code is only fr emulator wel actualy np joker is a button u press brfore entering a room the joker buton can be like any of the button not just R2 it can be L2,L1,R1,L3 or even R3 well not exactly riku could also do ground combo befor 2 but he used 2 T-stance when he does ground combo so thre was an other way for riku to do ground combos an tht was give him finals moveset an incase when bose use reaction commands on him an he used to get stuck befor right well thn there was a riku vulnerable (hittable) code too
thanx so anyway whtsup
thnx ur aint bad urslf
ya i knw bt well i gota study
well yea i thnk hes rght mayb thre cnt b a code tht hooded riku as playable wdh soul eater although i do remem tht i askd bout tht is thre a code 2 play as hooded riku long ago
an ur guess is rght yup
yea i knw it js tht i got busy in stuff n evrythn
lol haha np
hi ur wish
k sure thanx
well can somebody help?